Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre INT>PERSN>Locating POI

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  • #13863

    //*sigh* Again with the tabletop rape… That’s being a bad player! Unless you’re playing F.A.T.A.L. (dont google that). Anyway, we should probably move this system conversation to its own topic.


    //lol, you are right Mundy… I have a lot to learn! I can see how all the stuff invented by the player can be put to use by the GM. I suppose it depends on the stuff you (as DM) have planned out. And I guess the DM could stop it from happening in some manner or other depending on how they want it to play out for the characters. The DM must still have a story they want to guide you through. would they not?

    //I suppose though, that playing face to face means the GM can intervene at an appropriate time, or give some indication that you can proceed with your line of thought. Here, that is more challenging as responses are not as instant as they would be face to face. In just a few minutes, there was a whole host of ideas and actions starting up that it could take a GM hours to see or respond to (or other players for that matter). How do we balance that out? Is it really an issue, or does the GM just react/ act in a way that guides the story?


    //new conversation starting in OOC Division Development forum

    //ps anything even resembling rape in TSN RP will result in the character being ejected from the airlock and the player being banned. Same goes for racist/sexist behaviour.

    Adele Mundy

    // Ugh, the tabletop rape thing is one of the creepy factors that have been used deliberately to keep women out of gaming. Fortunately, as shown here, there are plenty of people who won’t tolerate such behaviour. And you are all much appreciated.

    //The thing about whether to stop some player-led diversion from happening or not is up to the GM. If it happens too bluntly, it feels like railroading: the kind of game where there is only one path to the story, and if you deviate by the tiniest bit you end up with nothing to do. The opposite extreme is the sandbox style, where the world-creating has been done in advance, there are things happening everywhere, and wherever the players go and whatever they do, there will be something going on. This is much more prep work for the GM, needless to say. But you can play somewhere between the two, where there’s a general sense of what the universe is like, some big background that influences what happens at a smaller scale, there’s a plot that might be mostly linear, but can be adapted to shift and if necessary follow the players around. Because players are very good at running away from the plot.

    //And absolutely, face to face reaction time does make things simpler. Here, compounded with the time difference, we have people who may have pretty constant computer access all day, so they can keep reacting, and people who might only be able to log on during lunch break or in the evening. We do need to be a bit more patient about GM responses. We also need to be prepared for not having ALL of our ideas come to fruition. Some plans just don’t work out. Some information turns out to be untrue. Some people miss appointments, for reasons that range from trivial to dramatic. Any of those things could delay or derail our plots.

    John van Leigh

    //The guy was, I suspect, a straight up sociopath. I had decided that actually getting a definite solution with him was beyond my delusions of grandeur and just had his character killed in the most humiliating way I could arrange. There was a time when him (the guy, not the character) literally stabbed a friend who made fun of his hat.

    //Ehm… I’ll move to the other thread, but yes, the delayed reactions make it difficult for the GMs to stop idiocy before it gets out of hand. I think that could be controlled to some degree by adding checkpoints for certain things (ships doing stuff, a computer giving results, the knowledge anything can have) that absolutely must have a GM ruling on.


    //Ah, just though of a technicallity that potentially derails your plans. Last shift, we ended still aboard our ships just by sierra gate. How do you intend to launch a scouting run? You have a crew together, but they are all on different ships at the moment. The mission cant really go ahead until you’ve completed the current missions and returned to promethean, where I think the manticore was last docked.

    John van Leigh

    //…crap. Still, we do receive new people during this. So there is a transport system that allows us to get people from Promethean, and presumably get some people towards there. For us it could be getting to Promethean and boarding the Manticore from a shuttle as soon as the meeting’s over. But remember that Fish wasn’t here last shift and might not be aware of this technicality.


    My thought exactly 🙂

    Or could ONI have her sent out with a skeleton black ops crew to somwhere nearby we could reach with a shuttle?


    //We could always hold off a week. It would give us more time to do stuff on the forums before it spilled over to an actual shift.

    Adele Mundy

    //if waiting gives the GMs more chance to plan, let’s wait. Next shift is my last one as DO, so that would take away one in-character obstacle, too.

    John van Leigh

    //Ultimately, Fish and Xavier have the authority to put this on hold as long as needed. I’m glad to say the crew is ready, but I can’t promise the availability of everyone for yet another week, as I haven’t talked to them about this.


    //Happy to helm if needs me… too late now though 😉

    John van Leigh

    //Sorry, Garion, I already have my six. Still, thank you for the offer!


    // @fishevans The crew is formed. Have we understood correctly that this will be played in this RP thread during the week?

    Let’s have at it!

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