Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre INT>PERSN>Locating POI

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  • #13675
    John van Leigh

    //Remember that I only know what my character is supposed to know! But it’s fine with me, I needed a weapons officer. Which only leaves helm open.

    Adele Mundy

    //If Aramond just runs Science, as XO, I could still volunteer for Comms…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Adele Mundy. Reason: Rushing! Because excitement!

    // I would choose Aposine if he was available, but he does not haunt the fora.
    ALso, excuse me saying so, sir, but I think Science is going to have their hands full without managing Comms as well. Mundy’s primary is in fact Comms. So I believe there is a role for her aboard. Plus, now that I know, it is only a matter of time before she knows about it. I will try my hardest not to think about it before we set out. No problem. I have been reading a lot about ancient Tibetan mental disciplines. I’m sure that will help enormously. I’m sure she wouldn’t be upset if we went without her. She would completely understand that little Horatio is beyond her power to redeem, to revenge or to terminate. Her efficiency as an officer for the rest of her career would be in no way compromised by your actions… Sirs.

    Breathe Matsiyan breathe. I. Must. Not. Think. Of. Elephants!

    It will be fine. She will never know a thing.

    Adele Mundy

    *sounding puzzled*

    Matsiyan, why are you thinking of elephants?

    Adele Mundy

    //Vaj’s reason for volunteering sounds like more excellent plot fodder. Maybe we could run across some of his old acquaintances too.


    // See? It’s working!

    Hell, if there’s no arrogant, leather-jacketed, stick jockey that turns up by the Captain’s deadline for departure, we can always have Adele cover SciCom and put Eric at the helm. It is his secondary after all. Also mine. We’ll muddle through.

    Let me have a word with Polano, he might have a few drinking buddies with tactical gear who would be up for a bit of a lark. Could also come in handy if we need something duct-taped. If we can’t put together a full DC/Security team, there are still a few of those upgraded scutters that never made it aboard Hydra. I wouldn’t normally rely on them, but the fewer the better for this.

    Oh wait a minute! I wonder if I could get that Arvonian cry-baby reset for another use? I spent enough damn time studying that thing and its effects. I might not be able to build or to reverse-engineer one, but I might just be able to reset it. Having a few false images certainly wouldn’t hurt if we have to run for it.

    John van Leigh

    //I could manage with Eric on helm, but in my mind that’s suboptimal. He’s gonna have his hands full with XO duties, even more so in a mission difficult enough to warrant a sanity check on some of my actions.

    //Adele, the only grounds I’d use for denying your request to be on Manticore would be “the division is currently too understaffed to justify having a ship with six people while everyone else is managing at four”. In any other scenario, and unless someone overrules me, you settling in going is good enough. But I need you to decide if you really want to, or if you’d rather remain on your post because of a ton of perfectly good reasons.


    //I stated this in an email, but I feel it important enough to have everyone see. Though there are logical reasons for Adele not to be included in the mission, the potential for drama is so high that we have to bring her along.

    John van Leigh

    //Agreed, but I’m not going against her wishes.

    //The best argument I see for Adele going with us is that she’ll know anyways if anything happens to her brother. At the end, she’ll probably face worse issues by standing on the sidelines instead of jumping at the call.

    Adele Mundy

    //Yes she will!

    //Well, Mundy is definitely going to volunteer. The Manticore mission is supposed to take place before the regular shift, right? So that its results can affect the shift mission if needed. Therefore, the practical considerations about having six bridge officers on board and leaving other crews with four might not be so important.

    //I started out being all reasonable, but the more I think about it, the less I want Mundy left out… Hmm… Perhaps you can try to leave her safely behind on station, and she’ll find out what’s going on through Matsiyan failing to think about elephants, and she’ll stow away aboard *looks for pirate emoji, can’t find one*

    //How am I going to get any sleep now?

    John van Leigh

    // @aposine @nquinn91 I have no idea how your RL responsibilities might get in your way of this, but if you can make it for this, we’d love to have one of you on the team.

    Matthew Vaj

    // @mundy @aramond I guess I should put some work into my backstory this week to provide some of that ‘plot fodder’. Hmm, maybe a cousin who wants other species in her petting zoo.


    // Ugh what a bummer! I’ll be missing this upcoming shift again, but good luck with the mission. I expect to hear all about it on the forums!


    // I’ll also be absent on 8/6 if you want to add me to that absence doc.

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