Training Simulation 1-Alpha

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre Holodeck Training Simulation 1-Alpha

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  • #14771

    //Before participating in this RP game, please ensure you are familiar with the following documents:
    Forum RP Character Creation Guide
    Forum RP Turn Sequence Guide
    Character Stats Spreadsheet

    Training Simulation 1-Alpha

    Glowing circular pads appear on the floor indicating the positions for officers to stand in. The pads are in a line towards the back of the holodeck, grouped in to twos and spaced around 10 feet apart. You arrange yourselves into teams of two and stand on the pads next to your parter. The lights fade leaving only a soft glowing ring of light where the pads had once been. The glowing rings extinguish and the simulation begins.

    Three walls surround you and your partner, enclosing you in small cells and cutting you off from seeing the pair of officers that were next to you. The third side of the cell is open, but it is evident from the low hum that an energy field is active. Small flickers of energy in the field further reinforce this. Each ‘cell’ is about 10 feet in width and 6 feet in depth. The ceiling and floor are solid bulk heads, there are no joins or panels evident of any kind. The walls are made up of paneling, the seams closely set and no obvious means to remove the panels are evident. In the middle of each of the walls is a single strip of illuminated panelling that runs from floor to ceiling. The illuminated panel is made of a translucent material, and casts a red light in the cell. Though the walls are made of some kind of metalic material, the light panels are made of a different material with more of a hard plastic feel.

    Looking out into the room beyond, it is dimly lit with four light panels, similar to those in the cells, but illuminated white. The far wall is around 10-15ft distant, again lined in the same panelling as the cells. To the right, you can make out a single door, to the left a wall with a small square grate near the top, an airduct of some kind about 6” on each side. In the centre of the room, facing towards the cells, is a single access terminal. The terminal controls are not visible from the angle that you are looking at. Evidently it is the controls for the cells, giving a clear view of each for whomever might be operating it. There looks to be enough room for two people to operate the terimal together, side by side. The base of the terminal has a solid back to it.

    There is no evidence of anyone within the room. There are no sounds to indicate a presence, other thab the sounds of your fellow officers in the adjoining cells. The far door is closed. You can hear a low hum, and if you touch the wall, you can feel a soft and almost imperceptible vibrating.

    All of you are wearing your standard issue uniforms. On your person, you have no items that you have been left with. Your rank bagdes have all been removed, being made of metal. All weapons have been removed from you, as well as any equipment that you were carrying. Whoever put you here has made sure there is nothing left that could be useful to break out from the cell.

    // Hopefully I have covered all the details there. Time for turn one! And good luck!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Xavier. Reason: Added the character spreadsheet to the list of links
    Matthew Vaj

    // How do we pick our partners for this? Do we just pick someone, or what? Especially since some people are pretty active on the forums and others not so much.


    // Hmmm


    //OK I had typed up a post and lost it. Best way to pair up I think is to go with ‘first player to post pairs with second player. Third player to post goes with fourth player’ and so on.

    Right now then, Vaj is paired with Matsiyan. Whichever new player posts next is in the next cell. The player who posts after that is their partner.

    That should be the easiest way to do it and is based on who joins and is playing.

    Try keep this clear of OOC chat. I will move these to a separate thread later

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Xavier.

    Hello Vaj, are we waiting for instructions or are we supposed to get out of here?


    By the look of your surroundings, you are in a Kralien cell.

    Blaze Strife

    Blaze looks around the cell, inspecting it closely.


    Shouldn’t have trimmed my nails today… Eric mutters as he looks around before settling on the red light strip. Ht taps it with his fist to try and figure out what it is made of.

    What do you think, Blaze? I wonder if breaking this is possible.

    Blaze Strife

    Absentmindedly I doubt it.

    Continues looking around, lightly tapping on each panel of the wall.

    The hard plastic is probably as strong as the metal on the other ones.

    Smiles wickedly and looks at Aramond I still didn’t test the energy field, maybe it’ll let us pass without hurting us.


    The walls sound solid, however from tapping on the light panels it is evident that they are less so. They sound to have a hollow behind them.

    Blaze Strife

    Hmm… You might have been right, after all, Eric.

    Turns to face his cellmate.

    Got any idea what you want to try and break it with? Or do you want me to try kicking it? It’s your call, Lieutenant Commander.

    Matthew Vaj

    Sounds like Blaze might be on the right track. I also had a thought about this energy field. There seems to be a miscalibration causing it to flicker, which could render it less effective than a field correctly calibrated. I wonder if there’s a way to imbalance it more.

    Lightly touches the energy field with his hand.

    Adele Mundy

    Looks like I’m waiting for a cell mate…
    Starts feeling around the light strip to find out if it can be pried loose

    If that yields no result, rips a button off the uniform and throws it at the energy field to test it


    Inspects the edges of the cell where the energy field seals it, looking for the projection sources and the pattern of flickers.


    As Mundy pulls on the light, it comes loose in the corner. The plastic cracks and a shard comes away in her hand.

    Behind the plastic, she can see the light is being produced by a thin tube. A steady pulse of power flows through the tube from the bottom upward and in to the covered portion above. Below, the light is attached a small power conduit.

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