OOC Mission Topic: 29517-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Archives Promethean Command Station Mission Control OOC Mission Topic: 29517-2237

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  • #24246

    Looks like my post will need more adapting than I thought.

    I wasn’t aware Nhaima had anything worse than a Wrinkled nose and maybe a blistered finger or two.

    I think I will just wrap this towel around my head…


    Where was it established she “hit the deck, clearly injured”? She controlled her malfunctioning weapon and reported calmly.

    Let’s be restrained about writing effects on other people’s characters without a direct input either from them or the answer to a question.


    Please rethink and rewrite this post. I see no justification for “out cold”. A hot gun was tossed off the top of the shuttle, a voice hissing in pain was heard. No one reported an explosion, a fall or a serious inhalation problem. It would at least require a roll to establish that, and I would normally leave that to the player concerned unless everyone else was blocked from progress and the player was unavailable or had given prior support for it.

    Let us also be very careful not to tie down the story with rank. We have two Lt. Cdrs. Matsiyan is going to assume that everyone will simply act as a team to support the mission objectives. For story purposes he is going to avoid giving orders wherever possible or creating bottlenecks relying on permissions.


    I would fix it, but I can’t. You can’t edit posts after 15 minutes of it being posted. As to your other points, yeah those seem like good ideas.


    Write your post out again and I can delete the old one.


    You can still use the edit link:

    just replace post_number with the number of the actual post ignoring the #. For example, Xavier’s post right above this would use 24260


    Ok, I’ve cleaned up the posts so you guys can post again. All part and parcel of the learning process I think. Of course,you can use nhaima’s method above too.

    One point of interest is the mix of past and present tense used in our posts. It never really occurred to me that I was automatically writing in present tense.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Xavier.

    I know I slip some times but I usually try to write in the past tense. Not only do I think it reads better for other people while the thread is active, it reads much better for me personally when I go back to reread things at a later date. That said, it’s totally a matter of preference and there is no ‘right’ here.


    Nhaima is completely consistent in the past tense. It does read better as a story after the fact, but it is hard to break the habit of face-to-face gaming speaking in the present tense, where there is more a sense of “this is being attempted and is not yet an established fact”.

    I will make an attempt to write in past tense. No reason it should not work.

    Thanks for trying a rewrite, Dante.


    @Xavier No problem, Sir.


    I think the best bet with posts is to focus on the environment around us and assist other characters where needed. For example, if Nhaima assessed her own condition and it comes up with a serious burn, we can use that to then move to help stablise her with a med-kit. Something I could do is add a chapter to the rule set to explain how to handle wounds and healing characters. There is a system in Mythic that I have read through that would suit.

    Also there might need to be more detail about combat so it makes it clear if we come across an alien that really does engage in combat. For the time being, we have avoided extended combat, but having something to deal with combat like we have had in the past could be useful. Again, Mythic has details on this, so I will look at using that to draft something up. Basically, I am taking the system and simplifying/tweaking it to our needs.


    @matsiyan just seen your post. Good idea for adapting it.


    @Xavier It’d be nice if we clarified the rules on sounds and combat, yes.


    Thanks. Some of that detail isn’t necessary but I wanted to demonstrate they had thoroughly lost interest and also show the ecological niches involved. These things might be scary but they are not fantasy 🙂

    So onward to Nhaima and navigating to the atmospheric station.


    Indeed. We need to get our kit organised, the shuttle leave and then start our trek.

    Perhaps, as we approach the end of this scene, we should ask a simple question to see if it is a straightforward trek or if something occurs (from an environmental hazard like difficult terrain to another encounter with an alien creature). Or we could assume the trek is pretty uneventful and skip ahead to arriving by the weather station.

    In any case, I think a few final posts need to be made with our current situation before it is fully resolved.

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