OOC Mission Topic: 29517-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Archives Promethean Command Station Mission Control OOC Mission Topic: 29517-2237

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  • #24046

    OOC Topic for mission

    Rodger Wilcon

    What’s the name of the shuttle we’re traveling in, I want to add that part in. And was my initial post OK for the story?


    I wonder if it would be a good idea to define general ‘roles’ for one-another during the mission. Of course, these would be based on our area of expertise. So we could have a ‘security’ role (i.e. the person responsible for safety and defence) and other roles like botany specialist (for collecting more specimens), engineer (for fixing the monitoring station), navigator (to guide us to where we want to be) etc.

    How about these roles:
    Xeno biologist (inc. Botany?)

    We could have multiples in each. This way it would give our characters more specific jobs to do.


    Name of shuttle needs to be a male ancient greek god name. I will look some up, unless you can list a few below.

    Aeolus would be a perfect name. Just looked it up.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Xavier.
    Rodger Wilcon

    I’ll claim navigator; airial servailace (if the shuttle can be used for fly-by scanning), or security; long ranged weapons specialist (if all of us have to go feet down on the planet.

    Rodger Wilcon

    What about Janus?


    When I wrote the mission briefing, I was thinking the shuttle would leave us and come back in a couple of days. Should really specify that on the mission briefing.

    Are you claiming all 3? Don’t want to delve too deeply, but Turnez had been assigned with the designation ‘Mission Specialist’. Rather clandestine 😉


    I have added some more details to the TSN Equipment document, including an entry about a drone and a quick one about the data pad. In my mind, items like the drone control are little electrical gadgets the size of a tinnof beans or smaller (and different shapes) which your datapad then links with. They are like modules that add to your data pads functions.

    Rodger Wilcon

    If the shuttle is leaving after we get off,then I’ll be on security with long ranged weapons,and possibly servailance drone.


    Matsiyan is along as a technician.
    Planetside modules; Expert in Mechanical Engineering, Confident in Chemical Engineering and Geology


    Excellent. I will add your name to the mission roster.

    I think now is the time to get things moving… anyone fancy popping the hatch and taking the first run out into the wilds?


    @Nhaima, what role are you wanting to take with your character?

    By the looks of it we have:

    Matsiyan – technician (set to repair the monitoring station and take geological samples)

    Rodger – security (with plenty of weapons and surveillance kit)

    Turnez – specialist (he could be the navigator for the team)

    Perhaps you could join Rodger as you have expert in weapons training as well as intelligence analysis?


    I have created a new character datasheet (see – Character Data Sheet V.2), which includes the planetside modules, space for Gifts and Flaws and a space for equipment that you might be carrying (Record specialist mission equipment like the drones, monitoring station parts, or specific weapons here. Non-standard equipment like a comms headset or standard issue weapon of some sort doesn’t need to be recorded).

    I am going to print one off and use it for Turnez so I have an easy and quick reference sheet, replacing my old one.


    I can do security, I can do analysis, I could pilot the drone again. I could also do technical support on a configuration and software level, while it seems like Matsiyan is intending to focus more on the hardware side of things.


    Sounds good. Hopefully having these outlined will help us avoid any kind of overlap and figure out what kinds of things we will be up to on the mission.

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