OOC Mission Topic: 29517-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Archives Promethean Command Station Mission Control OOC Mission Topic: 29517-2237

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  • #24435

    What I intend to do when I have some extended time off is create a complete version of all the rules together. At the moment though, everything is developing as we go, so in a way it is still in the ‘draft’ phase. Since the first ideas coming together, we’ve come a long way with the rules and additional content.

    When I do bring things together in the next version, I want to try and avoid changing the character creation stuff too much. If I did, I am not sure how much of an impact it would have, though it would seem that those affected most would be people creating a new character profile rather than current players.


    Cool. Are you planning to fill out Turnez’ character sheet?


    @nhaima thanks for posting! 🙂

    What was your thinking behind the AR/DR ratings?
    Is there an obvious danger on the way towards the monitoring station? AR: Average, DR: Exceptional result:63 => No.

    I have an idea for my next post. Hope to get to it over lunchtime in the next couple of hours.


    My thinking was that we had already had something like that happen already/recently and I wanted to get the scanning out of the way and move on to a different challenge. More in character, with Nhaima and probably Wilcon scouting ahead of the main force and routing around problems along with the drone in the sky to help diagnose possible concerns, most easily identified dangers should be routed around rather than confronted unless it would be “interesting”, so I adjusted the die roll to try represent a more extraordinary outcome. ^_^

    edit: @matsiyan for the ping.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Nhaima.

    Thanks. I had reduced the AR for a similar reason with my earlier scan, but you are right that it is a better fit to increase the DR. I will use that in future.

    Not that I want a repeat encounter, but I think there would be justification for increasing the AR, based on have the support of the drone and your Sensor Analysis being Confident. Just thinking forward to future rolls as we get used to the system.


    I suppose I could have phrased it in such a way that Yes was the preferred/advantageous outcome rather than No. Or I could have adjusted the AR as well to reflect the skill and tech, like you said.


    I have been thinking over the posts and what to put for Turnez, and not quite sure. I don’t think I can quite match the technical jargon, though I could come up with something to do with collecting data for analysis…. hmm now I think about it…


    Ok, our current scene seems to be coming to an end. Is everyone happy if we wrap it up and move on to the Monitoring Station? We could do a couple more post of talk if you want and then finish up and move on. The monitoring station is one of our key objectives for the mission. We need to get there and repair the station, before moving on to investigate the impact zone.



    Just for you, I have combined and renamed documents to hopefully make everything easier to find. Here is a list of them all:

    TSN Forum RP Rules (This now includes reference to the new “Advanced rules” for things like combat).

    TSN Forum RP Character Design (This now includes reference to the Planetside expansion).

    TSN Forum RP Character Data Sheet

    TSN Forum RP Player’s Toolbox (this now includes TSN Equipment, Armoury and Module details).

    TSN Forum RP Scaling Boxes


    Happy to be a motivating force for order 🙂

    Rodger Wilcon

    I want to talk about my experience in the clouds of the sector I think Mats is talking about first.


    The ONI database indicates that was Euphini Sectors IV and V. The planet (Miya’jeh) is in Euphini-V-Delta-2-Mark-4.


    Nice additions from Wilcon and Vaj. I could speculate endlessly about the technobabble but it is good to leave it somewhat vague in case ONI can use it for future mission planning.

    Couple of best practice points.

    Please keep all //OOC comments in this thread rather than the mission text thread (Except for the die roll mechanics). It makes it much more fun to read.

    Wherever possible I avoid directing the next action to a specific person just in case they become unavailable. You will see my posts being extremely open ended about who could do something next. This is not Matsiyan being unfocused. It is to allow whoever is available and has an idea to jump in. For example any of us could also tap into the drone feed and give feedback assuming Nhaima is focused on direct observation, daling with equipment or in conference with another character, even though it makes most sense for her to jump in.

    The one thing to avoid at all costs is asking the senior officer to approve or give orders because no one can then act until they do.


    It seems I’ve basically become the team’s doc, somehow, along as one of its leaders, not that I’m complaining.


    Should there be TSN personnel at the observation station or is it automated? I’m guessing the latter based on events so far?

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