OOC Mission Topic: 19217-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Archives Promethean Command Station Mission Control OOC Mission Topic: 19217-2237

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  • #21374

    My suggestion is this:

    This current situation forms the majority if this scene. Once we have played out and resolved this encounter, we can end the scene and skip ahead to the next scene (I’ll write it up tomorrow evening). The next scene will be after the hike to the hill – the point where we start setting up the equipment. We don’t need to play out the hike as it could be relatively straightforward and to be honest could get tedious if we did. We also need to move things along if we are going to resolve this mission before next shift.

    I’d suggest adapting your plan though @abdullahderin. Splitting the team is going to complicate matters RP-wise. I would say a general rule is we always stick together to make things easier to play out.

    Tuor Elanesse

    okay than someone should suggest the otherwise maybe ? so that we can change the plan. my plan was also to stick together but suddenly a creature appeared so i did not wanted to waste time and split the crew.

    Tuor Elanesse

    Nhaima we gonna drug it then quickly go for the mission 😀 do not kill it 😀 all of you relax 😀

    Blaze Strife

    The dices love me! 😀

    I’m still alive!


    In the interests of moving the game along, I have wrapped up the scene and started the next. The Intel Sheet has been updated with the next scene. Ideally, this one wants to be resolved by Thursday/Friday (depending on your timezone). In this we should concentrate on the set-up, security and finding out about the storm/ collecting samples.

    Friday will be the last scene, and we should aim to kick it off by then. Again, I think we should skip ahead and not play out the hike, otherwise we’ll get bogged down in detail that isn’t relevant (on another mission it might be, but not this one). The last scene would then be all about investigating the impact zone and leaving the planet. By Saturday it needs to be wrapped up ready for the next shift.

    Blaze Strife


    The animal encounter was interesting, though, if I may say so myself.


    Yeah, I think we’ll all have even more respect for blaze after he stared down an alien beast with sheer force of will…

    I’m guessing we didn’t end up splitting up, right?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Quinn.
    Blaze Strife

    My plan was to shoot at it to distract it and roll around while Nhaima shoots some more. But the the dices fell like that. 😀

    But yeah, I think we’re all still together, no real reason to split.

    Fish Evans

    Hey all Two Questions

    One whitch of the two planets is this? (sector wise)

    and can I thorow in an objective of my own to look for signs of any specices above 0.7 on the Standard sentiance scale to see if the Na’tari might be permited to terraform the planet? (we have two so if we have to we can power game it in the main arc 😛 )

    Blaze Strife

    The planet is the one in sector 5.

    For the other thing: @admin


    Sorry I cannot join in this week. I am greatly enjoying the show though.

    Blaze and the Xenoteratops 🙂

    Tuor Elanesse

    I liked that creature. It was adorable. Nhaima and Blaze made it afraid of us. Remind me later i ll empty all the magazines to prevent possible animal genocide in the next missions 😀 It is going funy as hell though i am enjoying this mission. 😀

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Tuor Elanesse.
    Tuor Elanesse

    By the way am i doing right? i believe my last qestion is an opposed one so I used my medical trait. which is high? any opposition?


    I would say your the interpretation of the results are quite a leap from the questions you’ve asked. However, they are workable so don’t worry about having to edit anything.

    Looking at them, the first question needed to be more general e.g. are there any possible sites of interest to gather samples? If it comes up Yes you run with the idea of the nearby water that you had. If it was No, then you would have to just move on. With the question you’ve asked, it is a bit too specific and there is potential to get stuck asking question after question about minuete details.

    For the second question, again I’d be a little more general e.g. does analysis of the sample return any recognisable results? This again gives more opportunity to intepret, but avoids the problem mentioned above.



    In terms of the skills used, I would say you have used them correctly. You are looking at the chance of finding something through analysis, using you skill and understanding of medical knowledge. Perhaps though it should have been against Xenobiology as medical could be more about treatment of injuries or infections. There is potentially some overlap though, so don’t worry too much about it.

    As converting your level of expertise to the chart, a training level of Expert converts to an acting rating of High on the chart, so you have converted it correctly.

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