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  • #20598

    I agree with Slate (though I’m probably a bit bias since I’m stationed on the TSN Phoenix as well), but I do recognize that the TSN is an RP community and I respect that. I believe that problem of “too much silliness” in an RP community can be solved not through harsh shunning and punishment of OOC elements but rather a simple means of communicating with people who are overstepping the boundary.

    RP is a defining trait of this community, but many people sometimes sacrifice this element to crack jokes / do silly things to get a laugh or have a bit of fun. I do not think this is a bad thing since it helps forge long lasting friendships that last even outside the duty shift. This can get out of hand though. Sometimes people get too comfortable with each other and that detracts from the enjoyment of others.

    My solution to this problem is through the use of simple communication. If someone is bothering you, please tell them so that they know they are bothering you. Most people are not intentional jerks and when told that their actions are genuinely bothering someone or making someone angry, they will, generally, stop doing them. Blaze’s original post sort of did this by pointing out some gripes that he has with certain people, but the same effect could have been made without the public condemnation. This can be easily replaced the use of private messages or through verbal messages if they are on the same channel. If you impress upon them how much it bothers you, they usually will try to fix their behavior. If they refuse to listen after being asked repeatedly to cease, then would be the time to inform a superior officer and call for reprimands.

    That being said; people who do harmless, insignificant, or otherwise non-affecting infractions to RP should not be reprimanded. Take the example of an entire crew changing their names; Doing so does not do any harm, does not make a significant change to others outside their crew, nor does it affect people in a negative way. Although it is not perfectly conductive to strict RP, getting annoyed at these people is akin to getting annoyed at a kid for not putting on sunscreen at the beach or someone eating their spaghetti with a spoon instead of a fork. They are not the ‘correct’ ways to do things, but they cause no significant impact to others (except maybe the mother of the boy without sunscreen).

    The title of this webpage is the “Terran Stellar Navy: TSN RP Community.” RP is a major focus of the TSN, but that does not mean we should be devoid of silliness and shenanigans. Everyone has a different tolerance for OOC elements and if someone oversteps your bounds, then you need to inform them so that they can try correct themselves. That being said, some people like to have the silly kind of fun and not all infractions on true RP are bad and need to be squashed.

    Now that I know that you like to role play Blaze, I will make an effort to be serious about my roleplaying when I’m around you, but I will still be silly with my friends who also want to be a bit silly. I believe that what the TSN should be is a balance between hard RP and OOC shinanigans.

    “…virtue is a mean between two vices, one of excess, the other deficiency…” – Aristotle


    I just threw this together in paint, but I think this might be a good design idea for the TSN Horizon.
    TSN Horizon Icon Idea

    *All the edits are me trying to get the image to show

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.

    No, it is actually my given name. When I was younger, I went by a different name, so I became very fond of ‘Braddock’ as a name I would graduate to when I got older. Now that I am older, I try to use it whenever I can because it feels like I’ve earned the right to use it.


    I like the nominations system, but it does have problems (as stated above by Blaze and Leigh). What we could do instead is hold exams for levels. Not like the written exams like the ensign and others similar, but rather field exams to show off your current skills. These exams could be held during sims when requested by an officer, the facilitator of the exam would accompany the crew during the sim, evaluate the officer and decide if a level increase is deserved. The criteria for the exam could be decided by the superior officers of the console


    On the topic of combat orders in general, I believe that the Foxtrot fleet attack pattern should be changed so that the support vessel never performs a mine run on the fleet. In a foxtrot pattern, the support vessel is the first to fire on the fleet giving him tango. As long as the support vessel remains close to the fleet, they should hold tango and keep other remaining vessels safe. This is not, however, a good position for the ship to preform a mine run itself as it is guaranteed to receive a hit form every ship in the fleet. I remember a specific instance where a ship I was in did this exact maneuver and went from full shields to half the ship destroyed.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.

    I must have missed that post and was trying to get a chuckle. Must have missed my opportunity. *Sigh*, I’ll just go get the mop and bucket.


    I submit TSN Shippy McShipface
    It’s unique, original and everyone will take it seriously

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.

    It would be a quick, visual way to identify an officer’s expertise in his field. It’s a way of quantifying and showing off one’s skills without feeling like they are bragging.
    It would also give players something to strive for other than rank. For the players who do not especially care for levels, this would not really affect them, but for the people who want shinies on their uniforms, this would add to their experience.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.

    I like Matthew Vaj’s name “Levels” a lot better, so as not to confuse them with the already established “Ranks” system.

    We could do something more creative with the naming. Instead of just changing a number, we could just change encapsulating marks
    Level 0:
    [Ens] Matthew Vaj | Eng
    Level 1:
    [Ens] Matthew Vaj | (Eng)
    Level 2:
    [Ens] Matthew Vaj | [Eng]
    Level 3:
    [Ens] Matthew Vaj | {Eng}

    I would imagine that, if level is implemented, that it would only be for primary. As if you are at another station other than your primary, you would put @ station;
    | Eng @ Hlm
    | (Eng) @ Wea
    | [Eng] @ Sci
    | {Eng} @ Com

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.

    I personally would like ranks to remain rigid. I like the clear defined line between people who I can joke around with and people who I should drop everything and give my attention to. Making more people senior officers would water down the fear/excitement of being in the presence of a superior. Much like the feeling of an office worker in the presence of their CEO; Both exciting and terrifying.

    The problem of the ‘glass ceiling’ is more of a game design problem rather than a military/rank problem. In the military, gaining rank is a slow and selective process (it takes around 22 years of service to reach rank of Captain). In the TSN, we gain ranks in months. So the real question is how do we let current Lieutenants feel that they are making progress. I think that the solution to this is ribbons not ranks. In the US military, there are 6 non admiral officer ranks and 84 different ribbons. Looking at pictures of naval Captains, I usually see upwards of 20 ribbons pined to their suits. During my time playing, I have seen many promotions of rank; Yet I have never seen a ribbon being received nor even being talked about. Possibly expanding the ribbons system might be a good solution.

    Another possibility is to possibly implement a console rank system. This will allow for better specialization, give Lieutenants something to strive for and give officers someone to cry to when yelled at by their captains ;). For example, A senior officer for Helm might be in charge of establishing the protocol of the console (Min engage dist, Fleet formations, etc.) and help train junior officers. The most senior officer could also be in charge of running their specialization exams. Console rank should not superseded normal rank though. The Fleet Captain had final word on protocol. You can think of the console ranks as sub ranks compared to their global rank. Since there are no military examples(that I can find), we have creative freedom on titles and number. Console ranks would also be a great solution for people who want to hold rank but do not have the skills to captain a ship. In order to get people interested though, there has to be something to strive for and also make rank easily noticeable, possibly through uniform.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Braddock.
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