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- This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by
Blaze Strife.
13/04/2016 at 18:30 #7160
Participant[[Personal log, Lt. Eric Aramond, TSN Raven, 2nd Fleet 4th LD
Stardate 9416-2237]]Three attempts and my last jug of ale later, and I still haven’t finished this thing. Time for round number four!
I’m still struggling to come to terms with what just happened. Maybe the lead-up will help.
We had far less officers this time around. From what I understand, there was some big meeting elsewhere that a bunch of us were pulled away to. Included in that list were Wade and Tardov, meaning that again the Raven didn’t have its full crew again. We had to make due with a couple of ensigns to round us out. The end of the first sim had me discussing with them the topics of the Chain of Command and keeping bridge chatter down.
Later, there was much swapping of roles and we gained and lost various officers. I think that the only console I didn’t jump on was weapons. Thank the stars for that. I even had to take command for a bit when Xavier had some problems seeing. When we finally were assigned a mission, I found myself again on helm. For once, SciComms was crewed by someone I can actually trust. By rare occasion, we had Mundy aboard. She knows her stuff, and knows even better how to not smudge up the damn screens.
For the mission, we were escorting a group of research ships to test out an experimental weapon. Token Kralien resistance got in our way. They were nothing compared to what we would have to deal with next.
Deep in the Cronus System, we set up for the test. I had to do some repositioning so we weren’t in front of the research ships. Didn’t want us to get hit by anything. Probably good that I did so.
Whatever the hell that science team made opened up a damn singularity. On the bridge, all of our mouths were hanging open in surprise. There were only two things to break the silence. The first was the comms from the science team that this wasn’t supposed to happen. The other was my joke about incoming Caltrons. Guess what came next?
A group of them spewed out of the new hole in spacetime, followed by…something. The only way to describe it is as a wave of destruction. Glancing back at Mundy’s screens, our sensors chose to depict this phenomena as rapidly spawning mines. In the chaos of the necessary retreat, the Phoenix was downed. The only thing that saved its crew was the Lancer dashing in like its namesake and picking up all the lifepods in one fell swoop.
On our way back, Xavier made a statement more surprising than the aforementioned fiasco: we needed to destroy that science ship. What it carried was far too dangerous for anyone to hold responsibly. I picked my jaw up from the floor for a second time to insist that we give the scientists time to evacuate their ship. He agreed, and informed the division what was happening after we had passed back into Promethean space.
I was instructed to get within extreme range of the ship as out torpedo tubes were loaded. My last thought as the ordinance was fired was that no life pods had been launched, and they wouldn’t be able to get out of range even if they did. We had fired a nuke. I know from experience that in cases like these, you can’t do anything but let the train hit you. I stifled a cry. it would have been useless, anyway.
Xavier immediately stepped down and retired to his office. Command of the Raven was left to Gebbens, while that of the division was put to Captain Evans.
The order was given to high-tail it back to Promethean Command. My mind was still reeling from everything that had just happened, so it took multiple shouts from both Gebbens and Mundy to set us back on course. Upon successful docking with the shipyard, I had to force my usual boast. Something needed to feel normal, I guess.
So, that leaves me here with my thoughts, an empty bottle, and an uncomfortable desk chair. I don’t believe that Xavier should have done any of what he did. The cries of the the scientists that this shouldn’t have happened refuse to leave me. I’m don’t know what they expected, but the data it generated wasn’t worth destroying. For all we know, it could have been used to help against the Caltrons.
Either way, I’ve heard rumors that I may be called to testify during Xavier’s trial. I should probably be sober for that. Until then, I need to find something to take my mind off all this [EXPLETIVE DELETED]. I think the cartography needs some more work. Yeah, I’ll do that. I’m also out of ale. I guess I’m going to Benjamin’s.
[[End log]]
13/04/2016 at 18:40 #7162Matsiyan
Participant// Absolutely awesome. I love Eric’s constant “hit by the reality train” narratives
13/04/2016 at 18:44 #7164Blaze Strife
Participant//Nicely written. You have some grammar mistakes and repeated words though, might still be quick enough to fix them.
13/04/2016 at 20:28 #7185Aramond
Participant//Thanks Matsiyan! I try to let Eric’s slowly forming personality through with each of these. Always glad to know it’s being enjoyed
Blaze, that was actually purposeful for once. Eric has been getting hammered while writing this, so I didn’t put much polish on this one. During the proofreading, I only fixed the big mistakes and certain lines that I couldn’t let sit. In terms of timeline, I’m picturing him writing this and them immediately heading over to Benjamin’s.
13/04/2016 at 20:36 #7188Blaze Strife
ParticipantI was thinking about that, but wasn’t sure of it.
That’s a good trick to pull, but you could make it more obvious or consistent, so people don’t suspect your writing skill (which you clearly have plenty of). Though that is hard to achieve in a text like a personal log, which was why I didn’t like that. Much better to write about in a short story format. 😛
And yes, we do enjoy Eric’s character building. 🙂
13/04/2016 at 20:46 #7191Matsiyan
Participant// Glad you could squeeze in an [EXPLETIVE DELETED]
13/04/2016 at 21:11 #7195Aramond
Participant//Blaze, it was an experiment. Probably won’t be repeating it for a while. Then again, a lot of crap has been going down during shifts lately.
Matsiyan, I am running this joke into the gorram ground! 😀
13/04/2016 at 22:03 #7197Blaze Strife
ParticipantAramond, I hope you see my comments as a constructive criticism, written as an advice from one writer to another, not just bad-mouthing. I really like reading Eric’s logs and want you to continue writing them.
13/04/2016 at 22:05 #7199Aramond
Participant//Craaaaaap. Hate conversing through text. Hate it! I didn’t mean to sound like that!
13/04/2016 at 22:09 #7201Blaze Strife
Participant😀 😛
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