Captain Jinx

Name Unknown  /  Nickname: Jinx
Faction Euphini Pirates
Race Human

Background Information

Jinx is a fierceful pirate who leads one of the most powerful factions in Euphini Pirates.

With her Axe-class flagship, she has been pillaging stations and planets in the Neutral Zone.

Captain Jinx is known for her unstable character and she is unmerciful.

With the disappearance of 4LD, she has enhanced her influence and secured her permanent place under Mezzomorto Pirates, being his number one Lieutenant.

Notable Appearances

Date Description
12322-2239 This was the first face-to-face encounter with Captain Jinx.
She hailed 4LD and introduced her captain.

See also: (sound recording) Enter Mezzomorto!

19322-2239 Captain Jinx, started an assault on Eulis 2 planet. 4 LD has intervened and prevented the planet from getting pillaged. 
See also: (sound recording) Don’t Jinx it!