TSN Personal logs

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall TSN Personal logs

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  • #1784

    Hello everyone,

    Matsiyan has been producing some awesome logs recently, detailing the shifts from his point of view. They give an insight in to what it is like for a particular officer on a particular ship and the missions they undertake.

    If anyone else is interested in writing up personal logs, then post them up! It is a great way to engage in RP and can enhance the roleplay aspect of our community. We also get a real sense of the universe in which we play. As a writer, you can help define that universe.

    If you’re interested, post up your logs in the mess hall for everyone to read. The best and most regular ones will be posted up officially on the site!


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Xavier.
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