TSN Expansion Update 1.1.0 now LIVE for Artemis 2.1.1

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall TSN Expansion Update 1.1.0 now LIVE for Artemis 2.1.1

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  • #1107
    Fish Evans

    The TSN Expansion has been tweaked and tested to work with Artemis 2.1.1 this is a Full release, not the Beta we where running under previously it can be downloaded from the usual place.

    Notable things:

    • Added TSN Escort and Destroyer as playable ships
    • Privateer size issues fixed, DamCon Teams are no longer stuck out side the ship.
    • Added TWO new factions, the Evil Xenophobic humans known as the Unakalhai. and a new unknown and highly hostile race.
    • Shootable Comets, and Shootable moving Asteroids
    • Minor tweaks and balance corrections to all factions

    This version of the Expansion will be required for the upcoming Duty shift.

    As Always Thanks to:
    Allard, Gabriel Wade, Jemmel, Flashheart and Gebbons for there help in putting this togeather. and for those that helped me test and balance last sunday.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Fish Evans.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Fish Evans.

    Brilliant work guys.

    Leonard Hall

    Further testing between R&D and ONI will be expected as the elements come in but we can presently run missions with this.


    Thank you sir.


    Are there bug fixes as well? Less prone to crash?

    Thank you guys for making the Saturday nights so exciteful!


    So, the Escorts and Destroyers are a real thing now. I bet someone is happy. Does this mean one of the ship names on TeamSpeak might actually become playable? Err, well if we have the people and a CO. *shrugs*

    Seriously, thank you for the patch. New ships (for anyone friend or foe) are always grand.


    cool 🙂


    Never mind my earlier post. I’m just being confused by all the different version numbers.


    Destroyers as playable 😀 😀 😀

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