Just a quick update, I am putting to geather a new build of the Mod over the next week or three. so far the update includes:
-New Textures for the fleet ships to allow the name of the ship to be unmirrored on both sides (thanks Wade!)
– This includes Hunter and Lancer being swapped out
-Tweaks to the Garbage Scow so it should look ok on the Sci map (shadow was messedup)
-Fix for the “Light Cruiser” enemy Base
I have included Wades Files for the Mk2 Light Cruiser, Battle ship and Battelcruiser,(thanks again Wade!) but not Vessel data at this time, I want to think on it a bit more esp as there are now between 20 and 25 Player ships.
Are there any other suggestions for additions and fixes (other then over powered Carriers)? the Dev List is currently looking like this:
Krelian Command Ship
Fighter (XR) – Player Fighters being developed (default artimes)
!! PLANET TEXTURES!!!!! At least 3 More.
!! Comet , needs much more tail.
Big Mass Driver (Babylon 4?)
Gate tweak (invisible from inside)
Hegemony Transport – non urgent
Shuttle (delta V shape for atmosphere transfers?)