The Bar, 28418-2237

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  • #32328
    Adele Mundy

    Yu looks around the bar. It’s quiet. Too quiet. All the Senior Officers from Fourth Hunter Group are missing. The junior officers are nowhere in sight. Everyone else mutters inconsequential chatter, or drinks without comment.

    There I was, with news of a vacuum sealed package of new harvest green tea… and my customer is assisting INI with their enquiries.
    He mutters something under his breath.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Adele Mundy.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Xavier.
    Zac Turnez

    Turnez enters the bar. He walks over to the counter and leans against it, exhausted.

    Coffee… black…

    Adele Mundy

    Yu assesses Turnez’s state with the proficiency of an experienced bartender. He reaches for the largest size coffee cups, and chooses the blend with the highest caffeine content. He hands the coffee over.

    Here you go.

    He hesitates

    Any news?

    Adele Mundy

    //because we haven’t had a Bar conversation in so long, I completely forgot that it ought to go in the Commissioned officers’ Galley, not the Logs. Can the posts be moved, or do we just start again?

    Zac Turnez

    Turnez takes a long drink before dropping heavily on to a bar stool.

    I’ve been working overtime, sifting through sensor logs and comms traffic for clues… any clues… as to what is happening to our SOs. ISN seem to be very good at making people disappear. So far, all I know for definate is that they were escorted by marines to Atlantis command. I have been trying to determine whether they’ve been moved, or are still being held there.

    Zyrxes Tam

    yawning mightily, Subaltern Tam pauses in the doorway to stretch before heading to grab the next seat at the bar, still working his shoulders

    May I… sirs? His eye flickers in the tiniest of winks, acknowledging the different etiquette

    Tea, please Yu, black, thick and sweet. At least there’ll be no shortage of that for a while. I was helping Engineering collect and deploy the miniature transceivers that were in ECS Asia’s latest delivery and the clerk had tons of this stuff being unloaded. I noticed because there was a typical bunch of those luxury goods Co… er, mandant Matsiyan is partial to. Must be nice having relatives like that.

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