Starwars Battlefront? Terran Stellar Navy › Forums › (OOC) The Mess Hall › Starwars Battlefront? This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 1 month ago by Jemel Eahain. Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total) Author Posts 27/12/2016 at 15:23 #19531 XavierKeymaster Does anyone play this at all? 27/12/2016 at 15:38 #19534 AnonymousInactive Not really why? 27/12/2016 at 15:54 #19536 Jemel EahainModerator Im sure i have it somewere, never played it tho lol 27/12/2016 at 16:27 #19540 XavierKeymaster Got it for Xmas on Xbox1 and wondering if anyone else played. 27/12/2016 at 16:46 #19542 AnonymousInactive Ah, well damn too bad I don’t own an Xbox One then. 27/12/2016 at 17:20 #19544 XavierKeymaster I think you can play with people on any platform…. or at least with people on PC This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Xavier. 28/12/2016 at 14:21 #19554 Jemel EahainModerator iv got an xbox one ill dust it off and see if i can find sw battlefront 28/12/2016 at 16:01 #19557 XavierKeymaster Lol, dust it off? You solely a PC gamer? Only reason I have one is because my PC wasn’t built with gaming in mind. Jemel, if you message me your Gamer Tag, I’ll add you to my friends list. Could give some of the co-op modes a go on Battlefront. 28/12/2016 at 16:42 #19559 AnonymousInactive I’ll investigate if you can do cross platform and I might buy it. Edit: It is not an option because it wouldn’t be “fair” for the console players. 28/12/2016 at 17:00 #19562 XavierKeymaster Why would it not be “fair” for console players? 28/12/2016 at 18:25 #19566 AnonymousInactive Mouse is better for aiming than analog stick. Therefore they would be destroyed by superior aiming capability. 28/12/2016 at 18:52 #19568 XavierKeymaster That only works if you can see your target and you go head to head with them. If I snipe you from afar, or shoot you from behind, it doesnt matter how accurate your aim is. 28/12/2016 at 20:02 #19570 Jemel EahainModerator haha na i bought it agaes ago played all the halso stuff and have never turned it on since , ill drop you a pm Author Posts Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In