Shift 23416-2237 – Preparation Terran Stellar Navy › Forums › (OOC) The Mess Hall › Shift 23416-2237 – Preparation This topic has 7 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by Xavier. Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total) Author Posts 20/04/2016 at 06:33 #7711 MatsiyanParticipant Will it be possible to confirm before Saturday, which game version and TSN MOD version we will be running? 20/04/2016 at 07:24 #7713 Jemel EahainModerator Game version 2.4 has been released Mode 1.4 should never ready for the weekend 20/04/2016 at 07:34 #7716 GarionParticipant To get ready for the shift… 1. Install v 2.4 of Artemis (Steam users can update via steam, non steam users go here 2. Install the mod to your Artemis 2.4 route directory. ( 3. Turn up to shift at least 30 mins before to confirm with DO/ADO all is working. 20/04/2016 at 14:19 #7724 Adele MundyParticipant Good grief, we’re planning ahead! 😉 20/04/2016 at 15:54 #7729 Jemel EahainModerator There is always planning ahead, just sometimes people forget to tell/ask about said planning 20/04/2016 at 16:46 #7731 AramondParticipant Only issue is that both the full install and update have nothing but a zipped empty folder… 20/04/2016 at 19:45 #7747 John van LeighParticipant Question for the mod people: Does the new minelayer conflict in any way with the old minelayer? 20/04/2016 at 19:50 #7751 XavierKeymaster The folder is now up to date and working. The new mine layer doesn’t conflict. Author Posts Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In