New Recruit

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  • #11989
    Jason Buchanan

    Hello one and all. My name is Josh, but hopefully you’ll see me Saturday as Cadet Jason Buchanan. I’m really looking forward to experiencing the TSN, and am downloading the TSN patch as I type this.

    Hope to rp with you all soon.


    Welcome to the TSN, Josh! Great to hear that you’re already getting the mod installed. Fyi, the mod tends to mess things up if it tries to connect with vanilla versions of the game, so if you need to set it back there are zDisable/zEnable files that you can use with the mod to quickly flip its status back and forth. Also, don’t be surprised when you make it to the next session that there’s a new version of the mod to download. That tends to happen. Because of that and the fact that you are new, I recommend showing up 15-30 minutes early so that we can get you squared away.

    Next shift is at 20:00 UTC. See you on station, Cadet. o7

    EDIT: I also recommend checking the training docs out this page. They let you know what to expect.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Aramond. Reason: adding link
    Adele Mundy

    Welcome, Josh, and welcome, Cadet Buchanan! Looking forward to meeting you!

    Blaze Strife

    Welcome to the TSN!

    Jason Buchanan

    I’ve wanted to play Artemis for quite a while, but never managed to get a group together to play. The RP aspect of the TSN definitely appeals to the old D&D and Larper in me.

    Blaze Strife
    1. Find your Artemis folder and copy it.
    2. Rename to something like TSN Artemis, so you know what’s it for.
    3. Download the latest full install of the mod (direct link to download).
    4. Once the download is finished, extract the zip file directly into the TSN Artemis folder and overwrite everything.
    5. Run zEnable Expansion.bat.
    6. Run Artemis.exe from the same folder, the TSN Artemis.
    7. You should see an image like this, with the same version text.
    8. You can create a shorcut to TSN’s Artemis.exe to launch your game. I have it added to my list of Steam games and renamed to Artemis TSN.

    Additionally, you can download and install more beautiful space, the 2K skyboxes:

    1. Download the 2K (direct download link).
    2. Extract the zip to the TSN Artemis folder and overwrite, if you’re asked to do so.
    3. The game should now look much nicer.

    EDIT: Now that you’ve edited your last post, it doesn’t seem like I’m answering a question, but rather like I’m counting on you not knowing how to do it yourself… Oh, well.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Blaze Strife.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Blaze Strife.

    @Blaze I’m adding your post to my TSN Link page.

    Blaze Strife

    Glad to be of help. 🙂

    And thanks.

    Adele Mundy

    @aramond, I’ve just seen the Whining Report in your list of links, 😀 what was all that about?


    @Mundy Apparently, it’s existed for quite some time now. Not sure why, but it was posted by one of the seniors last duty shift. Since it’s absolutely hilarious, on the list it went.

    Adele Mundy

    It is, indeed, absolutely hilarious. I’d love to know what prompted its creation. I am trying to think of a good way to use it now. Good as in, ridiculous.

    Jason Buchanan

    Got the mod installed and running. I can’t wait to fire it up Saturday.

    Jason Buchanan

    20:00 UTC… that’s 8pm Eastern Time. Sadly, that’s a “late night” by my standards. Glad it’s not during the week.

    Jason Buchanan

    Wait, no. That’s 4pm. Duh

    Jason Buchanan

    So while have dinner with my lovely and delightful wife (who puts up with alot of shenanigans), a scheduling conflict was brought to my attention.
    This Saturday is the season opener for her Roller Derby league, for which I’m on deck for security for. I will have to catch you all the following week.
    Sorry about the mix-up.

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