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- This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
22/05/2016 at 20:49 #9585
Jack Rhodes
Participant// I am very recent to Artemis, and just signed up for this group. Therefore, I am a little confused about how this all works. Specifically, how do I get involved in simulations, start training, and figure out which crews to join. Any help and guidence would be much appreciated!//
Jack Rhodes, new recruit.
22/05/2016 at 21:41 #9594Blaze Strife
We gather on our TeamSpeak server every Saturday at 20:00 UTC, and play together for about 4 hours. Feel free to join us then, and you’ll be set up on ship, as a part of the bridge crew. We’ll run a few simulations so everyone can get comfortable, and then we’ll do a mission.
There are a few documents that you might want to read before Saturday, and I think you might’ve already found them, but I’ll link these anyway:
When you join us on Saturday, one of us will help you install the TSN mod, and let you know how to procede. It would be best if you could come to the TS at least 30 minutes before the shift starts.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
The TeamSpeak server link is: comms.terranstellarnavy.community
There is no password.P.S. We’re in the OOC subforum, so there’s no need to use // in order to denote that you’re talking out-of-character.
22/05/2016 at 21:45 #9596John van Leigh
ParticipantJust show up any Saturday at 20.00 UTC on the TSN teamspeak and we’ll get you sorted. It’d be a good idea to have your Artemis client patched to 2.4 and with the TSN mod beforehand, but if you can’t manage we’ll try to help you.
23/05/2016 at 03:33 #9601Adele Mundy
ParticipantHallo and welcome!
Blaze and van Leigh said the useful practical stuff. I just want to add: sims are what we call the training exercises the characters do. So, in-character, the crews go to the equivalent of flight simulators and run exercises, where even if the ships get destroyed there are no dire consequences. Missions are in-character “real”, where the crews are on board ships, with orders, and where what happens has repercussions in the game: if a ship gets too badly damaged, it will need to go to dry-dock to be repaired; if a ship is destroyed, it’s gone; and the crew will have to eject to life pods and hope to be picked up by another ship.
So, sims tend to be a good opportunity to switch around to stations people are less familiar with and want to train in, because any mistakes won’t do any harm; while on missions, ideally you want people to run the stations they’re most familiar with, so nobody dies…Each shift we usually start off with a sim or two, and then we’re briefed on a mission. If we complete the mission with time to spare, we might do another sim before concluding the session.
But the best way to understand it is to do it, so do join us!
23/05/2016 at 04:36 #9609Matsiyan
ParticipantWelcome, Jack. As the others said above, turn up before 20:00 UTC so you have a chance to say hallo and get the game and Mod versions checked. It also lets the Duty Officer realize you are available to assign to a crew. Do not worry about choosing a crew. While you are a cadet you will be assigned to various crews so that you have a chance to try different stations and ships and gain a sense of what the crews are like. You can put in a request for a specific ship after that.
Be aware that promptly at 20:00 UTC we will move to a specific teamspeak channel representing the briefing room and we will take a rollcall and receive a briefing in the plan for the session.
If you would like to get a handle on the roleplay and what happens in the missions, take a look in the Forums under Personal Logs.
23/05/2016 at 08:44 #9628Aramond
ParticipantWelcome to the TSN, Jack! If it feels like you just had a lot of information laid on you, don’t worry too much. Just get accustomed to the game, and we can lead you the rest of the way during the Duty Shift (what we call our Saturday meetups). Like Blaze said, showing up around 30 minutes early would be ideal so we can get you sorted out.
Also, I’d recommend subscribing to the Out of Hours Games thread. It’s not super active, but it will let you know if anyone tries to put a meetup together at other times in the week.
It’s good to have you with us. o7
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