ISN Grant, the Mess Hall, 6118-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Commissioned Officers’ Galley ISN Grant, the Mess Hall, 6118-2237

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  • #31584
    Adele Mundy

    And this Mundy goes by Adelaide, while her great-aunt is Adele, alive, and not retired, though from what I’ve been able to find out so far she has a desk job in the Admiralty on Nova Praetoria. Wherever that is.


    Funny that. I haven’t cracked his files yet, but he spells “Konrad” with a “k”, which, after all, is the way it was originally, before the Celts got at it. I think he’s a few years older too. Wonder what his career has been like?

    Adele Mundy

    Hmm… if, from this admittedly small sample, K is statistically used more frequently in this universe, then all our decryption algorithms are a tiny bit off — just like everything else. It might be worth trying a few tweaks. I’ll see what I can come up with.


    Nhaima shook her head and laughed ruefully.

    “And here, I’ve been a model citizen as far as I can tell.”

    Adele Mundy

    You are the very model of Imperial Navy Officer… what rhymes with officer?


    You have there, the best coffee, sir!


    Scratch that. “You have indubitably the worst coffee, sir!”

    And why does it not surprise me that records show Nhaima is a model citizen? That would fit a certain congruency of skills and aptituds.


    “That might have something to do with it, but you’d be surprised at the difference when the XO is interested in debating the finer points of TSN-UCMJ and the Rules of Engagement, or when they just want you to pull the trigger that carves open holes with maximum efficiency, and if someone’s stomach for some reason got a little queasy then they report to sickbay afterwards and next time for a calcium carbonate supplement…”

    Adele Mundy


    Calcium carbonate supplement to cope with the coffee or the carnage?


    “I suppose it could be prescribed for one whose coffee dependency outstripped their ability to consume the chemical solvent packaged in military coffee tins, but the latter was what came to mind first,” she answered, her lips twisting into a vaguely feral grin.

    Adele Mundy

    Nods in understanding. Then, suddenly struck by inspiration, she starts quietly singing,

    To be the very model of Imperial Navy Officers
    We’d better drink Earl Grey tea, no we can’t have any coffee, sirs,
    For coffee is a solvent with effects most deleterious,
    If you consume a quantity the consequence is serious.

    Stops singing and looks slightly embarrassed.

    Dammit. I don’t suppose Adelaide makes up lyrics to Gilbert and Sullivan… I wonder what kind of music she likes. If she’s reprogrammed my computer by the time we get home I shall be most put out.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Adele Mundy.

    Despite the strangely different face, Nhaima’s customary smile pulled at the corners of her mouth and she clapped appreciatively.

    “Couldn’t care, really, so long as we aren’t in mixed company as it were, or otherwise being surveilled. Mine does, and I like it that way.”


    The smile that came from hearing Mundy sing is quickly replaced by horror.

    What are the actual chances that our kounterparts have taken our places, rather than us just hijacking their bodies?


    Nhaima looked thoughtfully towards the deck then shrugged.

    “I’m more familiar with string theory and jump drive mechanics rather than quantum theory and the practical applications of parallel universes, but it seems like the most likely of the options I can imagine. Either that, or whatever we did caused those people to be killed and erased entirely and I’d rather not think about that at the moment.”

    Adele Mundy

    Or caused our whole universe to be changed so profoundly that we only think we’re in a different universe. There are plenty of bad options to choose from. I am currently telling myself that we’ve stepped through the Looking-Glass and can eventually get back, when we work out how. I don’t actually know if I entirely believe that, but I would like to.

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