Input for Training documents

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development Input for Training documents

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  • #246
    Jemel Eahain

    Im looking to put some more advanced training documents together much like commander Gomric’s beyond the helm paper,
    So this is were you all come in, im looking for little snippets of information on all the stations on things you do to make things go smoother that is not included in the basic training manuals,
    There are lots of little things we take for granted and when applied make a ship much more efficient and capable.

    if you could send me a email with a brief description to-

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Jemel Eahain.

    What about some basic ship data of until now encountered ships in the vessel database? Common weapons loadouts, max speed, turnrates, jump capability, shield strengths and such? We have some nice videos but surely we must have more data than what’s mentioned in those (and with better accessability)?

    I think it would greatly improve our ad hoc judgement if we have some clue of these basic facts. Unless you’re commanding a ship or manning the science station frequently you’ll never really get a hold of the ships we encounter, neither friendly nor hostile.
    As a Tactical officer I’d like to give as good advice as possible on tactics to my commanding officer.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Fulvus.
    Jemel Eahain

    i think oni were doing something like this for posting on the website, ill need to check in with fish and see how they are doing with it


    If ONI are on to it they maybe could make small releases of what’s already put together rather than to wait for everything to be released at the same time.

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