Forum game: sink the story

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Forum game: sink the story

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  • #13152
    John van Leigh

    So, after a night of not being able to sleep and while taking a shower at the ungodly hour of 5 am, I came up with this absolutely original, never seen before, amazing idea. Gib medal pl0x.

    So, it goes like this: the previous poster added a little excerpt to the story and lefts a challenge: you either have to continue the story and build on it, or prevent it from progressing. Do note that advancing towards some rescemblance of closure is continuing, as is deepening the conflict. So, a few rules to keep it tidy:

    1. This takes place in a parallel universe to the TSN, our characters are the same, ships are the same, ranks are the same… If it happens in the actual RP storyline, it gets dragged here. If it happens here, it doesn’t carry to the real universe.

    2. You have to add in your post keep or sink. You choose!

    3. Can’t have two sinks in a row. Stuff would be boring, right?

    4. Can’t post twice in a row, or rather, can’t answer your own challenge.

    5. Has to make sense in our setting. So, not having a fleet of Cylons as enemies, not having Dante promoted, not having Fish crowned as the Earth Emperor.

    John van Leigh

    The Fourth Light left Promethean Command, tasked with patrolling Volantis. Unbecknownst to all, the fleet captain forgot to check the cartography, and he is making things up as he goes.

    Keep building.


    All the officers gather in the conference room to discuss preceedings. Suddenly a nuke explodes in the corner, vaporising everyone. The third division arrive to inspect the debris and find only a frozen hand clutching a scrap of paper. On the paper it reads ‘Congratulations on your recent promotion. DNA analysis of the hand identifies it as Dante Zelrich, 4th Light Division.

    Lol, only joking!

    Blaze Strife

    //Interesting idea, but… I’m not sure how to proceed. My first thought was writing about the ship I’m on, but that seems pointless. I think we should another rule: you can only write about a ship or crew you’re not regularly a part of. So, I’ll try to write something about Raven, even though I haven’t been on it in ages.

    Gebbens noticed that his captain is fiddling something with his data pad, so he sent him a message with a question “Looking for this?”. Enclosed in the message was the route to Volantis.

    Keep building.

    John van Leigh

    //Nice one, Xavier. Also, it looks like a good idea, Blaze.

    Meanwhile, raw recruit turns back to his console in dissapointment, hiding a datapad on his uniform.

    The division gets to the gate, and, before they cross, a Skaaran Executor crosses through.


    Blaze Strife

    The single Skaaran Executor was met with laughter from the officers of the 4th. Just one of them against their hundred-times proven might?

    Then another one appearead. And another one. And another one.

    Soon, the five ships of the 4th Light Division were facing at least a dozen Skaaran Executors.

    //Is this how you sink it? So, what next? Gotta build, right?

    John van Leigh

    //We’ll say it’s fine, but the idea for sink is that you have to find a way to bring the story to a complete halt. The Skaarans could be not-hostile, a sensor ghost, you say we fly and take the long way around… Not just have bad things happen, but rather, putting the storyline in a hard place. Imagine it as the opposite of the forces at work while building.

    The division starts forming up with Valkyrie, Raven and Phoenix lining up, while Lancer and Viper distance themselves on the flank. Meanwhile, a comms officer on Raven‘s bridge announces an incomming hail.


    “Attention, TSN Raven and the officers of the 4th Light Division: the Unified Skaaran War Guild has selected the Volantis system as the first Terran system to fall prey to the overwhelming force of our new weapon. This weapon will wipe out all life within two sectors of its epicenter, leaving all nonorganic equipment intact. The 4th Light Division should feel lucky, however, as you are being given the opportunity to surrender and become serfs in the new, Skaaran-controlled Volantis system. You are granted ten terran standard minutes to consider our proposal.”

    SINK (muahahaha)

    John van Leigh

    Upon hearing the Skaaran demands, the comms channels become clogged with useles chatter. A scientist wonders the effect the weapon has on viruses and advanced computers, some officers protest that living in serfdom while Commander Zeilreich isn’t sacrificed as cannon fodder is unbearable, and an intelligence officer complains that Caltrons would have been more interesting.

    On Raven, however, Fleet Captain Xavier sits reminiscing about his lost youth, a former lover and the parting gift he got from the affair, a Skaaran manufactured fob watch with an abnormal division of time. Inspired, he sends a message to the intruders, “What fraction of Earth’s rotational period do you mean by ‘a minute’?”


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by John van Leigh. Reason: wording
    Matthew Vaj

    The Skaarans are confused by the question, wondering what the Earth’s rotational period is in their measure of time, what planet actually is Earth, what triggered Xavier to think of such a question, and why he would ask it. A more intelligent Skaaran realized that it was a ploy for time, but decided to play along because he was bored.


    John van Leigh

    “Oh, Terran, thou art so silly! Everybody knowest that a second is the time it takes for a photon to travel the distance between the two stars of the binary system Asm’tek!”, he answered making up the name of the star in the hope that the fleet captain wouldn’t notice the deception. “But I beg, speaketh thy reason to inquiry about a second when thou art much more interested in the lenght of a minute. A slip of the tongue, mayhap?”


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