EXT.>2FLEET4DIV.>Medals, Black Hole Nameing.

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre EXT.>2FLEET4DIV.>Medals, Black Hole Nameing.

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  • #15028
    Admiral Coats

    It is with distinct pleasure that I announce that the 4th Light Division will be receiving the Counter Intelligence medal for their help over the last period, All officers who have served in the Division for more than one live mission between 1116-2237 (01/01/2016) and 31716-2237 (31/07/2016) are eligible for this award. The backlog of ribbons and medals will be distributed at an awards ceremony to be held in the next few weeks.

    In addition to this, the Cerberus government have decided that the Cerberus black hole known as ’A223’ is to be renamed in honour of the 4th Division. As a result, I invite all officers to submit suggestions for names in this communication line. Suggested names must not be obscene. Also, suggestions must not be named after living individuals. The senior officers will organise a ballot to be held around the time of the awards ceremony, Senior officers also reserve the right to veto suggestions for the final ballot.

    //Please post your suggestions here, along with any rationale for that name. Suggestions will be taken from ranks Cadet to Lt-Senior. Officers ranking Lt commanders and above may make suggestions but they will have to be backed by a more junior officer!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Admiral Coats.
    Blaze Strife

    //Noooo! A ceremony when I’m not here? Noooo!

    Lt.Jr. Blaze Strife’s suggestion: Tartarus.
    Rationale should be easily understood and connected to the name of the sector of Cerberus.


    //That medal looks fantastic!

    We already have the black hole Matilda. I propose: Megera. The deceased (in some sources) wife of Heracles, whose soul would reside in Hades, guarded by Cerberus.

    Adele Mundy

    Megaera is also the name of one of the three Erinyes, or Furies. The other two are Tisiphone and Alecto. All of them good names for singularities, as irresistible destructive forces.

    Matthew Vaj

    Charybdis is my suggestion.


    What does everyone think of Perses, the Greek god of destruction?

    Adele Mundy

    Charybdis is particularly appropriate, actually, since it was a the name of a monster that supposedly sucked down ships into a whirlpool in what is known today as the strait of Messina. Charybdis has my vote!


    We already have the black hole Matilda. I propose: Waltzing.


    Sounds too USF I suppose.


    But in all seriousness I like Megera/Megaera.

    Charybdis is the name of a little understood suspected astrobioform.

    // Also love the medal. And if the medal ceremony is held while so many people are away, could it be recorded and also perhaps a textual announcement posted to the forums? That would have much more impact than hearing about it after the fact. Cheers!

    Blaze Strife

    Charybdis is a great name, indeed, but it’s already given to creature, as Matsiyan mentioned.

    //That’s a neat idea, Mats!

    Adele Mundy

    //I forgot about the Charybdis monster… Oops. Then Megaera/Megaira/Megera.

    //As one of the people who will probably miss the medal ceremony, I also like the idea of an announcement in the forums.


    I’d like to put forth consideration for the name Nautilus, as our sensors often render singularities to look much like the animal’s shell (or so I’m told, I’ve never actually seen one besides what the computer’s databanks can conjure up for me).

    There’s also the seafaring ship named the Nautilus from the ancient tale, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, who met her end in the Maelstrom.

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