Development Patch 2.012

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  • #33042

    Please report any bugs or anything that has been missed below.
    Development Notes:
    – Added Orion vessel
    — vesselData file entry 25 included for Orion
    — new SNT added for Orion

    – Added two new Jump Gate models and texture files
    – Changed shields on stations
    —Station rear shields changed from 0 to match station front shields.
    – Minor bug fix – Superiority fighter torpedo type reference fixed (was 0, now reads trp)
    – Minor bug fix – Reference to TSN in Artemis long description removed
    – Minor bug fix – Valkyrie beam damage increased to 2.8
    – Minor bug fix – updates to sensor and comms relay descriptions
    —New descriptions added to reflect correct naming of Sensor Buoy and Comms Relay.
    —Sensor relay changed to sensor buoy
    – Added Kralien Sensor buoy and comms relay references in vesselData to match models added in previous patch
    – Changed lettercase: Logo512 to logo512
    – Added ScoutMk2 SNT

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Xavier.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Xavier.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Xavier.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Xavier.

    Bug: Server crashes when a game is run using an Orion-class ship.
    Anticipated cause: Ordnance name comments in the Orion-class definition are not correctly escaped. XML comments should formatted like this <!-- text goes here --> and they lack a second hyphen such as this <!- Homing ->
    Blame lines 867-874, confirmed by running the vesselData file through an xml validator such as

    Nit: Orion long_desc contains a typo. “Focused Ionic Disruter” should probably be “Focused Ionic Disruptor” (or Disrupter)
    Same issues are present in vesselDataMOD.xml


    Link has now been updated to release b.
    The ordnance name comment bug has been addressed.
    Typing error has also been fixed


    Bug: vesselData.xml says “See GitHub reference for patch notes” but there is no easily accessible link to the repo (checked vesselData,, and TSN Expansion Read Me.txt)
    Bug: Version number in TSN Expansion Read Me.txt is incorrect.
    Nit: Development notes are of mixed use. “Added Orion vessel”, “Added ScoutMk2 SNT”, “Changed lettercase: Logo512 to logo512”, and “Superiority fighter torpedo type reference fixed (was 0, now reads trp)” are helpful because they more clearly indicate what was wrong and what it should be. Others like “updates to sensor and comms relay descriptions” and “Changed shields on stations” aren’t as clear, because they don’t indicate what was past (and wrong) and what is correct and should be now. This would be less difficult if everything was in a single repo with shared history, and updates to master were done through pull requests which can then be directly compared to their current state but given that is not the current setup then the documentation is insufficient to verify whether any changes made are intended and are correct.


    Development notes have now been updated to add clarity to the changes made.


    The main Read Me hasn’t been updated as it was forgotten. This will be noted and will be updated for the final release. For this development patch, ignore the read me in the zip.

    The “See GitHub reference for patch notes” can be linked for the main release and will not be updated for the development version.

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