Armada 2 – Uniforms

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Armada 2 – Uniforms

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  • #2730
    Gabriel Wade

    Greetings fellow officers!

    Well, it’s not quite Christmas yet, but since I’ve been back from “extended leave” I’ve been having fun getting back into Artemis, and I’ve already been thinking 4 months ahead to the second Artemis convention, Armada 2!

    I helped to coordinate the TSN’s presence, following Verok’s lead, at Armada One. It was my first convention and HOLY COW was it a good one for my first! It was even more fun than I had originally expected it to be and I’m extremely excited for Armada 2!

    In my forward thinking I’ve given consideration to one of our larger challenges from last year; uniforms.

    The design process took a while but after a lot of feedback and engagement we finally settled on a very sharp design. The one issue with it was that those attending didn’t really have the means to procure the materials and assemble them easily. So, to avoid the largest hurtles we faced last year, I’ve come up with a new design that keeps our color scheme, uses a lightweight, long-sleeve, mock turtleneck, quarter-zip jacket and iron-on printable fabric to construct. While it is simpler in design, with the accents added by the iron on fabric, patches, badge, name tape, medals/ribbons (which will likely be constructed from simple materials/means as well), and rank pips, I think it brings it up to a good visual standard for a uniform for our Division. Here’s what it looks like:

    New TSN Uniform Design

    New TSN Uniform Design Variants

    I’ll share the links to the shirt, the iron-on printable fabric, the patches, name tape, and color accents to print onto the fabric which will be ironed onto the shirt once I have it all together.

    In the meantime, I’m open to some feedback. Just keep in mind that we explored a LOT of options last year and that’s what’s led me to this design. 🙂

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Gabriel Wade.

    Very nice. Very nice indeed.

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