Announcements on Forums

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Announcements on Forums

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  • #3338

    Mike S made a few announcements about future developments in Artemis. Personally, I believe this is a prime opportunity to get across how we play the game and what we think of it. I encourage everyone in our group to head on over to the forums and add their own comments, supporting, adding or disagreeing with comments put.

    I have already added some of my own views. I don’t expect people to go on and comment to support me in particular, rather to go on and put their own views across. We all play the game in a similar way, and have a view on how it should develop, so I think we should take the opportunity to express to Thom how we feel about it and what we think! We also have developed some of our own additions to the game which I think most of us agree is really great additions (Wade’s ship ideas like the Battlecruiser, new enemies that have been added, extra features we have designed, modifications to energy systems and weapon systems)! We should get this across. The more voices the better!

    Anyway, lets get our voices heard. Those who show up week in week out and love playing the game deserve to have a say! Lets not leave it to others to speak for us.

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