Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Archives Promethean Command Station Absence makes the heart grow fonder


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  • #5232
    Adele Mundy

    Matsiyan and I will be unable to attend the duty shift this coming Saturday, 20th Feb. and next Saturday, 27th Feb. The 27th we’ll be performing at Phoenix Matsuri, the yearly Japanese festival, and on the 20th we’ll be rehearsing and getting instruments polished, tightened, re-tied, and generally sorted out in preparation for Matsuri.
    I’m trying to think of an in-character excuse for missing two shifts in a row. Research on biomechs? After-effects of the Cosmic Icosahedron’s psi field? A special supply run to fetch more coffee?


    //what do you guys play??


    Cylonian Throat Flu. Xavier had it, and you two didn’t want to encourage paranoia.

    But, you two will be missed.


    “//what do you guys play??”
    Taiko such as Iyokuni Suigun Daiko no Kachodoki, Hyuga by Wadaiko Yamato, Hiroshima Nicho Daiko or just the two of starting slow and speeding up in Hana Hachijo


    I was thinking more of being pulled back to the Academy. We acted as Guinea Pigs on Monday for Mike Substelny (he is involved in TSN lore and scripting) and played 2.3.0 with him, his wife, Patti, and a couple of friends. On Wednesday we were captaining sessions for new cadets in a local pub. It was eye-opening to realize how much we know and how helpless you are in the hands of your crew 🙂

    So I wondered if in the next two shifts we get dragged back into some kind of drill team for graduating the next batch of cadets.

    John van Leigh

    You’re going to the Academy? I hope you didn’t book passages in a transport yet. I was invited as a speaker for a conference on axis of threat from a fast-response unit standpoint this Saturday, and I have some space on my private shuttle.

    Lewis Remmick

    //Peter Pan is the reference.

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