Reply To: Starting ranks for officers from other RP groups

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development Starting ranks for officers from other RP groups Reply To: Starting ranks for officers from other RP groups


Jemel stated it well I think.

The practise has always been that, no matter what experience or expertise, everyone starts as a cadet. Every single person (bar one) has started from the rank of cadet. Even those that joined when I first created the TSN RP Community had to start at that rank, and go through the same process of examination and elevation through the ranks as we use today.

It is not so much how good someone plays or what they know of the game, rather what they know of our group and how it works. Those of the highest ranks know the principles on which the group is founded and uphold them. This is only something that you can gain through being a member over a long period.

Everyone I hope feels valued of course,and the experiences, knowledge and ideas people bring help progress us further. At the same time, there is a shared vision and goals for the community which are held and driven forward by the senior officers. Each one is more than capable in command of course and of taking on any role on a ship,that is a requirement.