Reply To: Concerning Xavier's Defiant Stand Against Terran Tyranny

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Concerning Xavier's Defiant Stand Against Terran Tyranny Reply To: Concerning Xavier's Defiant Stand Against Terran Tyranny


I am interested, partly because I enjoy roleplay but partly because Matsiyan seemed to be the only one who expressed an opinion contrary to absolving an alleged mutineer and murderer. “The ends justify the means” is not a USFP credo and he would be horrified to think that the TSN was adopting it wholesale, if only because of its existing potential overuse in covert operations.

Having said which, he was not aboard or privy to shipboard comms at the time of the incident, unless information obtained via psychic link can be admitted as evidence. But he would feel honour-bound to contribute in any way that he can to ensure due process is enacted.