Reply To: Log Quinn, 8417-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Personal Logs Log Quinn, 8417-2237 Reply To: Log Quinn, 8417-2237

Adam Parra

For me, Armada is the most fun I have ever had playing Artemis. You might think it is weird to meet up with a bunch of people that you met online, but it’s great to finally see in real life the people you have played with so long. At one point Verok, Vaj, Quinn and I were at a table talking about the division. We talked about the missions we played. The people we played with. The direction it is going and past Armadas. It was like meeting up with old friends. Also Verok has a super sweet bridge. That alone is worth the trip! Others bring their own bridges. The Hyperion brought a warp core. It is 7 feet tall! It lights up and the lights move when they go through the different warp speeds. The conicals and rp mission are a lot of fun. Mike Substantly and now Paul work to make fun scripted missions just for Armada. I would love to see more members of the 4th Light Division at Armada next year! Maybe get some from the UK and Europe. I would love to see 2 fully manned crews all in uniform. We would look so sharp walking into the Ballroom!
Hope to see more of you next year in Cleveland.