Terran Stellar Navy › Forums › Archives › (OOC) TSN Canon Development › Cerberus After Action Report/Record Help Wanted! › Reply To: Cerberus After Action Report/Record Help Wanted!

Leonard, thank you. That is fascinating. It could be that I was simply a very junior and inattentive cadet/officer at the time of the mission, and that information may have been clear to command officers explicitly, from senior officer briefings, from context or from experience of the carrier and its AI in previous campaigns. But that sort of information would certainly add zeal to watching out for ships being escorted. It makes a big difference if you know why something needs to be protected, although I realize that would be restricted information beyond the bridge officers and perhaps within given historical information control. I take it that the loss of the AI was quite expensive for the TSN. It must take quite some hardware to support that grade of AI.