Reply To: OOC TOPIC: Training Simulation 1-Beta

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Command Centre Holodeck OOC TOPIC: Training Simulation 1-Beta Reply To: OOC TOPIC: Training Simulation 1-Beta

Blaze Strife

I figure we should use AR for unopposed questions to set the difficulty of the task ourselves, not to check how often a question would’ve been asked, or to propose a probability of a certain fact we’re checking.

Maybe I’ve erred with the “Above Average” for my second question, but it doesn’t matter now.

Example: “Does the airlock lead to a corridor?” It can only lead to a corridor or a room, so the AR should be High or greater. If the question was “Does the airlock lead to an engine room?”, that would be highly unlikely, so the AR should be Miniscule or even question removed.

Btw, I use real dice to roll the d100.

And now I’m going to wait for Aramond, Mats, Adele, Vaj, Dante or someone else to post, before doing my own, even though there are two posts after my own (not counting Dante’s).

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Blaze Strife.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Blaze Strife.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Blaze Strife.