Reply To: Blaze Strife

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Personal Logs Character Backstory Blaze Strife Reply To: Blaze Strife

Blaze Strife

Short stories: //NOTE: Discontinued. Reasoning explained in Chapter 3.

//NOTE: the format of dates used in some places of this topic is not the usual dmyy, but rather ddmmyy. This is in order to be able to easily identify the actual time when the event happened in real-life time. For purely RP events, the date format will remain standard.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Blaze Strife.
  • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Blaze Strife. Reason: I've changed my mind about some things, and changed the character's origin
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by Blaze Strife.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Blaze Strife.