Reply To: Fighter pilot training course ideas/suggestions

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development Fighter pilot training course ideas/suggestions Reply To: Fighter pilot training course ideas/suggestions


// During shifts I take screenshots of the teamspeak channel membership before most sims and missions and paste it into the doc where I take notes for logs. That way I can confirm everyone’s rank and role. The forums don’t allow uploaded images so I was thinking of posting a link to a google doc with ALL my log entries where I could include screenshots, such as assignments but also views of the cosmic icosahedron, beautiful N’Tani ships, interesting sector layouts at the start of missions/combat engagements, Hunter in drydock etc.

for my own training missions with friends, I had started a tracking db using fieldbook

It could easily be adapted and or simplified. It has the charm of being in the cloud for sharing. (I’m not a dba but I was a developer and worked with them for years)

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Matsiyan.