Reply To: New: Formations, Attack Patterns and Manoeuvres

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development New: Formations, Attack Patterns and Manoeuvres Reply To: New: Formations, Attack Patterns and Manoeuvres


Great ideas.

In terms of what to remember, the formations have to be known mainly by command officers for ship to ship comms. Though the crew should be aware of them,they should wait for the captain to give them specific orders on how to act, rather than react to comms from another ship. For example,the battlegroup commander might ordrr Baker formation, but then the captain would instruct the helm officer where to position the ship e.g. form up on the starboard side of TSN ….

The Attack Patterns are most important for crews to know, as well as manoeuvres. They are the most efficient way for a captain to communicate what to do to the crew and so pretty essential to how we operate.