Reply To: New: Formations, Attack Patterns and Manoeuvres

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development New: Formations, Attack Patterns and Manoeuvres Reply To: New: Formations, Attack Patterns and Manoeuvres


This is all great. A lot to remember, but I suspect we’ll pick it up quickly since most of it is already in place.

I wrote up a bunch of maneuvers for you, feel free to add/delete/edit as needed. I’m sure I’m missing others, so people should chime in.

  • Low Speed Turn- Drop to lowest viable speed to execute turns faster, then resume speed when turn is complete.
  • Low Warp Burst- Engage warp 1 in 1-3 second intervals. Combine with Low Speed Turn for better tactical positioning. Keep targets in combat range unless otherwise ordered.
  • High-Energy Turn- Announce “coming about” to engineer, drop to lowest viable speed and execute turn. When turn complete, resume speed.
  • J-Hook- A High-Energy Turn for use when engaging with beams. Approach target from their flank, avoiding their beam arcs unless otherwise ordered. Announce “coming about” to engineer as you fly past the target. Drop to lowest viable speed and turn towards the enemy’s rear shield arc, keeping out of as many beam arcs as possible.
  • Flanking Missiles- For use with missiles. Approach target’s weakest shield arc, staying out of their beams while keeping this arc in line of sight for the weapons officer. After first impact, enemy will likely turn to face you. Announce “coming about” to engineer and use low warp boosts to keep weakest shield arc in line of sight.
  • Adjust Line of Sight- For use with missiles. When firing homing missiles in a Charlie formation with friendly ships, position your ship such that if the current target were destroyed, any stray missiles would not immediately impact friendly ships.
  • Inclined Echo- Use when deploying attack pattern Echo. Change inclination to slightly above or below targets, allowing faster travel through thickest parts of an enemy fleet. Be sure not to change inclination too much to maintain effectiveness of mines.
  • Arcing Echo- Use when deploying attack pattern Echo. Execute attack run on a curved path to minimize enemy beam arcs. Be sure not to sacrifice effective placement of mines for safety.
  • Power Collection Standby- For use outside of simulations. When waiting for orders outside close proximity of enemies, standing order is to engage fuel collectors by coasting at 20-40% impulse speed. Announce this maneuver to other bridge crew.
  • Exiting Drydock- When docked at a drydock facility, navigate using main screen visuals. Exit at 25-50% impulse and increase to full impulse when cleared of the superstructure. Be wary of other docked ships, you may have to exit in reverse or wait for a ship to exit first to avoid collisions.
  • Quick Dock- Approach station on a direct course at warp 1. Cut warp drive at roughly 500 units and maneuver directly into the station superstructure as you engage the docking procedure. Its deflector shields and tractor beam will absorb your remaining speed without damaging any systems or overshooting. Practice makes perfect.
  • Anticipated Exit Vector- When waiting for orders outside close proximity of enemies, you may want to anticipate the Captain’s next desired heading based on orders overheard from the Fleet Captain, battle group commander, or from strategic insight gained from the LRS. Some captains do not appreciate this, so guess their intentions at your own risk. Do not engage warp drive until given the official heading.
  • Dock Turn- When docked, maneuvering thrusters may be used to keep the ship pointed on a desired heading while waiting for fuel and ordnance transfer. This may be used in conjunction with Anticipated Exit Vector. Note that engaging the impulse or warp engines will break the docking tractor.
  • Drone Pivot- Use when executing other maneuvers or attack patterns, as long as it will not interfere. When a drone launches toward you and will not be entering your beam arcs on your current course, announce “drone-coming about” before adjusting your heading to intercept the drone. It may be advisable to drop to lowest viable speed or engage reverse thrusters to maintain original course.
  • Reverse Beams- Use when engaging with beams if the target’s front shield arcs are weakest, or when attacking the weakest shield arc is tactically unsound. Maneuver to the front of the enemy, point directly at them, and engage reverse thrusters. Stay out of enemy beam arcs until maneuver is complete, then reduce speed until enemy is within effective beam range. Increase reverse speed to maintain safe distance from target and any enemy beam arcs.
  • High Angle Beams- Use when engaging with beams. Change inclination to considerably above or below target. Approach from any shield angle and weapons officers can manually target whichever shield arc is weakest. Announce any drone launches.
  • Drone Support- Use when friendly ships are nearby and are unable to cover themselves from enemy drones. Quickly move to cover the friendly ship with your beams while executing other maneuvers or attack patterns, as long as it will not interfere. Announce this maneuver to other bridge crew.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Quinn.