Reply To: ((OOC)) Fighter Squadron of the 2nd Fleet, 4th Light Division

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) Division Development ((OOC)) Fighter Squadron of the 2nd Fleet, 4th Light Division Reply To: ((OOC)) Fighter Squadron of the 2nd Fleet, 4th Light Division

John van Leigh

While I agree that knowing a mechanic is going to be implemented in the near future does suggest we need to plan for it, there is a very important question regarding fighters: how are they controlled? Is there a CAG console, or just comms?

In the comms case (and probably the CAG as well), we’re talking about a group of small ships that under normal circumstances have their advantage in mobility and firepower negated to some degree in comparison to the enemy. In essence, an analogue of the typical destroyer/escort group. And right now, the level of training that our scicomms officers have (or at least display in combat) is really, reaaaally poor when it comes to screen coordination. We need to improve a lot on our methods for those before we are ready to study fighter tactics, and we kinda need to figure those out if we plan for a coherent wing structure.