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Efreet ver 0.2 (no testing)
<vessel uniqueID="27" side="0" classname="Efreet" broadType="player carrier">
<art meshfile="dat/artemis-5.dxs" diffuseFile="dat/artemis_diffuse.png"
glowFile="dat/artemis_illum.png" specularFile="dat/artemis_specular.png" scale="0.25" pushRadius="150"/>
<internal_data file="dat/artemis-5.snt"/>
<!-- Weapons and Shields modified (1/4)-->
<shields front="70" back="50"/>
<performance turnrate="0.003" topspeed="0.5" shipefficiency=".72" warpefficiency="1.44" jumpefficiency="1.2"/>
<beam_port x="0" y="50" z="212" damage="6.5" playerdamage="5" arcwidth="0.2" cycletime="6.0" range="2000"/>
<beam_port x="40.78" y="-23.38" z="45.03" damage="4.8" playerdamage="3.75" arcwidth="0.4" cycletime="6.0" range="1000"/>
<beam_port x="-40.78" y="-23.38" z="45.03" damage="4.8" playerdamage="3.75" arcwidth="0.4" cycletime="6.0" range="1000"/>
<beam_port x="-122.9" y="6.98" z="-169.6" damage="2.5" playerdamage="2" arcwidth="0.2" cycletime="6.0" range="1000"/>
<beam_port x="122.9" y="6.98" z="-169.6" damage="2.5" playerdamage="2" arcwidth="0.2" cycletime="6.0" range="1000"/>
<torpedo_tube x="0" y="8.35" z="258.74"/>
<torpedo_tube x="0" y="8.35" z="258.74"/>
<torpedo_tube x="0" y="8.35" z="258.74"/>
<drone_port x="0" y="8.35" z="258.74" damage="25" cycletime="15" range="4525"/>
<drone_port x="0" y="8.35" z="258.74" damage="25" cycletime="15" range="4500"/>
<drone_port x="0" y="8.35" z="258.74" damage="70" cycletime="15" range="4475"/>
<torpedo_storage type="trp" amount="30"/> <!-- Homing"-->
<torpedo_storage type="nuk" amount="6"/> <!-- LR Nuke-->
<torpedo_storage type="min" amount="4"/> <!-- Mine"-->
<torpedo_storage type="emp" amount="12"/> <!-- EMP"-->
<torpedo_storage type="shk" amount="20"/> <!-- Plasma Shock"-->
<torpedo_storage type="bea" amount="2"/> <!-- Beacon"-->
<torpedo_storage type="pro" amount="2"/> <!-- Probe"-->
<torpedo_storage type="tag" amount="2"/> <!-- Tag"-->
<engine_port x="0" y="-9.22" z="-300"/>
<engine_port x="0" y="29.64" z="-300"/>
<engine_port x="-81.6" y="5.1" z="-235.4"/>
<engine_port x="81.6" y="5.1" z="-235.4"/>
<engine_port x="-153.0" y="10.9" z="-187.4"/>
<engine_port x="153.0" y="10.9" z="-187.4"/>
<long_desc text="Efreet class Dreadnought^Standard TSN Heavy Division Flagship^2 heavy beams, 2 rear defense beams^1 main beam cannon^3 Torpedo tubes^Stores for 6 nukes, 30 homing, 4 mines, 12 ECM, 20 PShock."/>
<carrierload baycount="2"/>
The rear beam nodes wernt placed where I thought they were- the program I was using assumes you dont shoot through your own hull, so it was placing the nodes in an exposed position to the rear of the ship. I found a new place for the node that keeps it concealed, and plays well with the reason I checked in the first place, an aestetic tweak to beam arc placement. The front quarter beams also needed a slight tweak, but nothing major.
The beams themselves have had their damage redistributed- the front quarter beams are now equivilant to Viper’s heavy beams, while the rear defense beams are merely ticklebeams now, enough to shoot down one drone every 6 seconds but not a major source of DPS.
The NPC beam damage has been set to 9/7th (300% manual beams expressed as damage instead of rate of fire, divided by the difficulty 10 NPC multiplier) the player beam total.
The heavy Division is authorized the same heavy ordnance the 4th light has access to. To represent this, the heavy division has two types of drone launchers- Standard 20 25 damage “homing torpedoes”, and 70 damage “pshocks”. (can also be a no-splash EMP or nuke, in context, but it’s easiest to call it a pshock)
every 15 seconds the NPC Efreet will fire a “two and one” from it’s three tubes, enough to easily drop most non-command ships, now that homings are buffed. (against a command ship’s shields, each salvo is 120 damage, so call it a nuke and two decoys instead- the effect is the same)
Overall, the Efreet now has a beam DPS higher than lancer (Lancer is no longer carrying a Dreadnaut’s beam armamant, just like 80% of it) and it shoots torps like Horizon does on a good day. It doesnt have the defenses of Argovian or Torgoth command ships, but it should at least be able to make a good showing of itself in the fight.