Reply To: TSN Grant, the Mess Hall, 161217-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Commissioned Officers’ Galley TSN Grant, the Mess Hall, 161217-2237 Reply To: TSN Grant, the Mess Hall, 161217-2237

Adele Mundy

Oh Voiddammit, the Caltron headache meds… I wonder if MedBay stores have them… Sorry, that really isn’t a high priority. I’ll go and have a look at the equipment you mentioned, though, Donovan. If we have it, chances are other Navy ships have it too, and I want to know what kind of Navy we’re in.

I suppose you’re right again, we should familiarise ourselves with ranks and forms of address, for when we make our first public appearance. And yes, the lock system and computer access in my quarters recognised my fingerprints and voice. Her fingerprints and voice. Whatever.

Any other cheerful news?
Looks around the table at her fellow officers