Reply To: TSN Grant, the Mess Hall, 161217-2237

Terran Stellar Navy Forums Commissioned Officers’ Galley TSN Grant, the Mess Hall, 161217-2237 Reply To: TSN Grant, the Mess Hall, 161217-2237

Jafar Ironclad

Reading pre-projection logs? I’m glad you people have time to read!

Subaltern Ironclad staggers into the mess hall, the weight of a full day’s of work borne on his muscles and mind alike. Shaking hands bear beverages; a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, and a glass of water in the other.

Alright if I join you folks? I’ve got 10 minutes to kill before I have to go continue to remind myself how much catching up I have to do on the build, systems, and thresholds of a so-called Thraex class. Equal parts fun and frustrating. Some interesting intel, too.