Fuel Collection System
TSN vessels equipped with a Fuel Collection System (FCS) are able to replenish their energy supply mid flight. Developed by Engineers at the TSN Research and Development laboratories, the FCS allows TSN vessels to conduct long range operations away from main sectors and starbases. When operating, the FCS will recharge the ships energy levels by 20 units every three seconds to a maximum capacity of 1000 units.
For the FCS to operate correctly the vessel must be moving above 10% and below 50% impulse speed, with shields inactive.
Initially, the FCS was developed and manually operated, however upgrades to the technology now means the FCS operates automatically.
Technical Data
Additional Information
The Fuel Collection System was developed by the TSN Research and Development departments during the early years of long range space exploration. Over the years, they have been refined and developed, becoming more and more efficient. Their purpose is to provide an increase in a ships recharge cycle, so that TSN vessels can operate more effectively away from main starbases for extended periods
The system works by exposing reactive plates, made up of a composite material, to the background radiation in space. When exposed, the plates generate a charge. This charge is directed into the ships power core and provides a boost to the ships own recharge cycle.As the technology has advanced, the surface area of the reactive plates has been increased. The process of manufacture and the materials that make up the plates has also been refined, with less imperfections in the structure of the plates themselves. Both these advances have increased the effectiveness of the Fuel Collection System.
There are three main types of propulsion systems used by the TSN: impulse drives, warp drives and jump drives.
Impulse Drives
The impulse drive is the method of propulsion that starships and other spacecraft use when they are travelling at sub-light speeds.
Typically powered fusion reactors, impulse engines let ships travel interplanetary distances relatively quickly.
Impulse engines work on principles used in today’s rocketry, throwing mass out the back as fast as possible to drive you forward.
TSN Veritas Impulse Drive: Basic Operation
- Plasma is fed to the impulse drive after being cycled through the ship reactor (1) via plasma conduits.
- The plasma is fed through a series of mass driver coils that increase the velocity of the plasma (2)
- The plasma then makes it to the coagulation coils were its transformed from its liquid state into a gaseous state(3)
- The gaseous plasma is released into space via the expansion nozzle (4) were it expands and pushes the impulse drive forward.
- To steer the drive you have vector thrust plates (5) that direct the matter leaving the expansion nozzle,
Warp Drives
The warp drive is a method of propulsion that starships typically use when travelling faster than the speed of light.
Warp drives of the TSN make use of Alcubierre theory, Rather than exceeding the speed of light within normal space, a spacecraft would traverse distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it, resulting in effective faster-than-light travel. Because objects cannot accelerate to the speed of light within normal space the Alcubierre drive shifts space around an object so that the object would arrive at its destination faster than light would in normal space.
A warp drive system has two main parts, The warp field resonator that creates the contracting and expanding field around the ship and the warp propulsion unit a large drive similar to a impulse engine that pushes the ship into the shrunken space in front of the ship.
The warp drive propulsion unit can also be used separately from the warp field Resonator as basically an over powered impulse drive to provide extra thrust and speed while traveling “in system” were full warp capability would be far too dangerous to use.
Operational information on the Warp field generator us currently classified to stop if falling into enemy hands
TSN MkIII Warp Propulsion Drive: Basic Operation
The drive is very similar to a impulse drive as it uses the same principles but much more powerful
- Plasma is fed to the propulsion drive after being cycled through the ship reactor (1) via plasma conduits.
- The plasma is fed through a series of compression coils that increase the density of the plasma (5)
- The plasma is fed through a series of densely constructed mass driver coils that increase the velocity of the plasma (2)
- The plasma is fed through a second series of compression coils that increase the density of the plasma further (5)
- The plasma is fed through a second series of densely constructed mass driver coils to increase the velocity of the plasma further (5)
- The plasma then makes it to the coagulation coils were its transformed from its liquid state into a gaseous state(3)
- The gaseous plasma is released into space via the expansion nozzle (4) were it expands and pushes the impulse drive forward
Jump Drive
Jump Drive for in-system travel functions by forcing open a short-lived in-system “jump tunnel” between the ship and the designated point using a massive amount of the ship’s available power, shunted into a considerable antigraviton burst.
Transit down such artificial lines blacks out most sensory systems during the trip due to the raw overload of power being put out into space.The “Jump tunnel” collapses generally moments after the ship exits the jump tunnel, due to gravitic forces mentioned earlier.
Nonetheless, despite the energy cost this form of insystem transportation forms the backbone of most civilian-grade insystem FTL travel.
Warp ships are often equipped with the nominal technology required to access natural and gated Jump Points, but the smaller jump units mounted on warp ships cannot generate a sufficiently sized fracture under their own power to make an insystem jump.
When Jump Drive technology is used in conjunction with natural Jump Points, the end result is access to that jumpline and transit through jump space to the intended destination while only putting out a minimal anti-graviton emission. The power required for using natural jump lines is therefore minimal.