The Torgoth homeworld is a massive, rocky planet with relatively low density. Despite its colossal size the planet has lower gravity than Earth. This has yielded a spacefaring race with twice the height, four times the mass, and ten times the radiation resistance of a human.
Though they vaguely resemble bipedal elephants, Torgoth biology is closer to dinosaurs than any other Earth creature. The Torgoth are supreme in hand-to-hand combat, with the ability to kill a human by simply stepping on him.
As alien as the Torgoth are, their government is a representative democracy, much like the USFP.
Unfortunately, the Torgoth Parliament is currently dominated by warmongers. It is obvious to everyone in the galaxy – except the Torgoth citizens – that the warmongers in Parliament never intend to win any war. They simply keep the wars going so they can get re-elected over and over.
Torgoth ships are as massive as the Torgoth beings. The smallest Torgoth ship weighs almost twice as much as the largest TSN vessel. Nevertheless, high gee forces are deadly to Torgoth so their ships only make the most gentle maneuvers.
Torgoth enjoy slaughtering space whales for sport and will sometimes break off a pursuit to chase a whale. If a Torgoth slaughters a space whale, all Arvonians who witness the act will immediately withdraw from battle to report that their ally has committed an atrocity.
Created by Mike Substelny