Notable Characters

Alexander Fitzgerald

Alexander Fitzgerald (2080 – 2099) is the creator of the first warp drive, dubbed the Fitzgerald Drive.  His first experiment with the Fitzgerald Drive led to his untimely death, and the creation of what is commonly known as “Alexander’s Curtain”.

Ambassador Felix August

Felix August was born on the planet Lamcar, in the Solinthian system. His parents were influential diplomats in the system, and had helped the USFP expand, gaining new allies and member species. Like his parents, Felix August pursued a career as a diplomat, attending the Higher Collage for Social Engineering and become a prominent member of the USFPs diplomatic committee.

At the age of 34, Felix August was given an official post as Ambassador on the G’zann homeworld, replacing the recently deceased, Ambassador Healan.

Admiral Coates

Overall commander of the TSN 2nd Space Fleet.

Fleet Admiral Banks

A member of the TSN Central Command staff.

Commodore Alfred Bester

Born on an Io mining colony in the Terran system, Alfred Bester grew up in a harsh unforgiving environment. Bullied, he became a squeal out of self defence and eventually became part of the local Security division. During the Io Riots he was seconded into the Security Services Buro as a bodyguard, guarding the local Mine Manager. During this time, Alfred Bester rose to prominence after he successfully foiled an attack by noticing a series of events. The SSB offered him a post and he quickly worked up the ranks to Senior Agent, having uncovered an investigative talent.

Alfred Bester is well known for his ruthless approach and is not afraid to use ‘high pressure’ tactics to make interviewees slip up.

Commodore McCullough