Yet another question

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Yet another question

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  • #3491
    Lewis Remmick

    Is there a location with a list of possible enemy ship modifications and what they mean or what they do for the enemy? Some are obvious, like anti-torp or anti-mine, but some of the others I’ve seen are not so clear-cut.

    Thanks in advance,

    Gabriel Wade

    Here you go, Lewis:

    There may be more than that added with our mod, but that at least gives you somewhat of an idea. 🙂

    Lewis Remmick

    Thank you! That is exactly what I was looking for. I searched the wiki, but I didn’t know what to search for.

    *starts studying*

    Lewis Remmick

    Since apparently asking lots of questions is my new thing, can someone tell me about the different roles referred to in the “4th division roles application form?”

    What do these people do:
    -TSN Instructors
    -Executive Officers
    -Systems Operatives
    -Intelligence Officers
    -Archive and Records Officers

    Thanks again.

    Leonard Hall

    That form’s especially outdated but it does have corollaries to current TSN special positions.

    1. TSN Instructors is to apply to be an instructor for TSN Academy ( 4th light adjunct headed by Jemel). Formally they handle all officer training and theoretically personally handle all Cadets during duty shifts, but we haven’t had the consistent personnel to run Academy vessels as of late.

    2. Officers Lieutenant or higher can apply, if there’s an opening, to become a permanent executive officer. The official XO handbook is

    3. System Operators (SysOPs) are people who operate servers for TSN active missions. Any time a sim or active mission needs running, approved SYSOPs run it.

    4. The Office of Naval Intelligence ( headed by Fish and also is my department) is the game master team, speaking out of character. We do mission planning and of course game mastering active missions that are being run.

    5. Archive and Records is a defunct role. It most closely associates with the “CTR” that Matsiyan occasionally references. Its modern incarnation is designed to do writing for canon and backstory.

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