TSN Oath reciting

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall TSN Oath reciting

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  • #9673
    Blaze Strife

    Just had an idea…

    What do you all think about reciting the TSN Oath aloud (all of us at the same time) every once in a while in the Briefing Room? It might be a bit overboard to do it each and every time, but we could do it before extreme missions or after important developments. It would do well to remind us all to roleplay.


    I like this idea. Furthermore, we could have cadets do this when they first come to us.


    The oath we use will be in the next update of the Encyclopedia. We have an official one now that sounds pretty good.

    As for reciting it, finding opportunities to use it might be a good idea. Perhaps during some of the ceremonial stuff like we’ve done in the past.


    It could be powerful in a ceremonial, but probably a bit awkward for a first time cadet. It might be ok when being promoted to Ensign, but I think frequent repetition might make it less special.


    I see what you mean Matsiyan. That could work.


    What if we save it for end-of-arc events, such as when medals and ribbons get handed out?

    John van Leigh

    Or we could simply record it once and use it for a promotional video or something like that.

    Blaze Strife

    I think once every two or three months is a good pace to have such a ceremony, when the RP narrative leads us there, of course.

    Adele Mundy

    I am also in favour of reciting the Oath at end-of-arc events and other special occasions rather than every shift. And the recording is a good idea too!
    People organising the Phoenix Comicon Artemis event seemed quite taken with the idea of getting each crew of new cadets to recite it as we take them onto the ships. I’ll let you know how it goes.


    Oh I like that idea. All the new players standing and reciting the oath together.

    As for during a shift or ceremonially, we need to consider how we do it. One person could recite the oath, or everyone could recite it.

    It would be great to have another one that is recited during the burial at the end of a campaign.

    Adele Mundy

    A kind of brief memorial speech, yes that would be impressive.

    Adele Mundy

    Off the top of my head:

    “They were our friends and comrades, who died doing their duty. Do not call them the fallen: they shall not fall, but float among the stars. In the darkness of space, their memory shall burn bright. As the stars spin and the worlds endure, we shall remember them.”

    Comments welcome.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Adele Mundy.
    Blaze Strife

    Yeah, they’ll float among the stars, alright. Literally. In the darkness of space their frozen corpses will sometimes hit the passing ships.

    We might want to leave out such literal metaphors. 😛

    Adele Mundy

    I was being literal about the floating. At the end of the last campaign arc, when we held the ceremony and sent off the coffins into space, I mused afterwards in my log about how inappropriate it is to refer to the dead as “the fallen” when you’re fighting and dying in space. But, you know, whatever floats your coffin…


    We could fire them towards a star to burn up in its atmosphere. Then we can say about returning to the stars, or their burning light in the darkness.

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