TSN Expansion Update 1.5.0

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall TSN Expansion Update 1.5.0

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  • #13461
    Fish Evans

    Hello all as promised/threatend I have updated the TSN Expansion again. Assuming no major issues are detected this should be the last update until the early fall there may be an optional revision to add the TSN Viper/Horizon Names to there hulls as soon as thats delt with (Hi Wade!).

    Update 1.3.1 and up to 1.5.0
    Full Install

    TSN Lancer
    Added a single torpedo tube given 2 EMP and 8 PShock torpedos
    Minor reduction in manovering, and cycle time to the wide angle weapons

    TSN Horizon
    Added Thrid Torpedo Tube, increased PShock Ordiance
    Minor reduction to Damage and arc Widths of beam weaponry

    TSN Viper
    Minor Increase to beam damage

    Should again appear in Sims
    Rare Pirate Transport may launnch a pair of boarding craft
    Pirate Base mesh/textures replaced and stats tweaked

    Balance tweaks, the larger caltrons will no longer do so much damage (you will still want to be carfull dealing with them) however they will launch Primarys as fighters.. the over all hardyness remains the same but you damage is more spread out.. you can deal with the primarys better.

    New Defence Platform Base level Shields, small fighteres modeartly strong beams

    Adele Mundy

    Thanks for letting us know in advance! That’s really helpful. Looking forward to trying out the new mod.

    John van Leigh

    TSN Viper
    Minor Increase to beam damage

    And here I was, afraid of being nerfed. I guess I have to try harder.

    Blaze Strife


    John van Leigh

    BTW, Fish, are you absolutely sure Horizon and Viper have the new texture with the names? I tried and they appear just as before. No idea about the ordnance changes. And we’ll have to update the descriptions, eventually.

    Amazing job, as always!


    Caltrons that launch smaller Caltrons…oh boy.

    Blaze Strife

    @delPino Fish said that the names are not added, and that Wade needs to do it.

    Adele Mundy

    Hmm, who was saying “Don’t let it be Caltrons?” Now we have baby Caltrons.


    I love the idea of making Horizon a light missile cruiser.

    Lancer will really appreciate the EMPs and the pshocks will be useful mostly when we are on detached missions and don’t have Slate or Mundy available to get the surrenders when the shields go down 🙂

    John van Leigh

    Right! Thanks, Blaze, I misread that.


    Mundy was surprised to find that Horizon only had two tubes operational during the shift. I took a look at the vesseldata.xml and see that Horizon has three but the Valkyrie class still has only two. Is it possible the Helmsman configured his ship’s systems as a Valkyrie class but not Horizon?

    John van Leigh

    Certainly possible.

    Also, from my time on Lancer I noticed that, while the torpedo tube worked just fine, my display from the captain’s map didn’t display the system.


    Again, vesseldata.xml shows Lancer has a tube but not her class. Also her vessel description needs editing to match.

    I would have edited the file and forwarded to Fish, but it is late 🙂

    Adam Parra

    What do the boarding craft do?


    We may only find out when we encounter them 🙂

    My guess is that they are fighters or bombers or suicide nuke carriers 🙂

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