The TSN Bridge at Artemis Armada 2

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall The TSN Bridge at Artemis Armada 2

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    As you may or may not know (for those that are new to the RP group), I will be bringing the semi-official (or maybe the “official” bridge) that will be representing the TSN RP group at Artemis Armada 2 in Cleveland, Ohio ( I wanted to make sure to get the word out in case anyone hasn’t heard of this event and has any interest in checking it out.

    I am planning some new improvements to the bridge, including walls with ambient lighting, new “exploding” access panels that the engineer will have to “repair” after combat, new audio cues/sound effects, and some new special-effects lighting features thanks to a modded version of the DMX controller included with the game.

    As of right now, there are a few current members of the group that are confirmed to be coming, but I’d love to hear if any others are going to make it.

    Here’s what the bridge looks like as of now:

    Adele Mundy

    // That looks splendid!
    Matsiyan and I can’t make it to Cleveland, but we’re in contact with the TSN group in the Phoenix area, and they are about to gear up for Phoenix Comicon, where last June they had a suite of linked conference rooms for the server and other technical jiggery pokery, the recruiting office, and four ships; this year they say they hope to run eight ships.


    I’m interested in going, though it’s a bit of a drive for me, haven’t decided yet if I can trust my car not to break down on the way. Anybody near(ish) Philadelphia want to carpool?

    Lewis Remmick

    I would love to, but I’ll have to check things out. It’s about twice as far as Quinn (Maine) so I’ll either need a lot of time off, or to fly out. This might not be my year…

    Is there a list anywhere of conventions where Artemis happens?


    Semi official?! After the pictures I saw and video fron last year, fly the flag for the TSN RP Community! It looked awesome on video. Show off the mod, Sandbox, commands and combat orders – everything! The uniforms were looking good and the bridge awesome. With the mod, you’d be really able to show off some stuff we’ve added to artemis as a group!

    I doubt anybody in our group would grumble if you were to represent us officially at Armada 2.

    Now if only I could get there… maybe armada 3 or 4… UK to US is quite a trek.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Xavier.

    I’m going to do my best to make sure our group is well represented. Other than just the TSN logo, I’d like to come up with some kind of a banner/graphic that I could display on the entrance to the bridge. If any of you graphic wizards in the group have some ideas, I’d really like to see what you can come up with. At the very least, I was thinking about a poster with our ship logos on it, maybe with the TSN symbol at the top, something like that.


    I plan to be there. Had a TON of fun last year!


    Could you jazz up the crew rosters to display. Something that says ‘look, these guys are the ones actually online and playing’ and then if people show up to a shift they’d be able to recognise names. Maybe it could be something similar to the brass plates on Star Trek ships with an embossed picture and the name of captain and senior officers aboard. That would be cool.

    We also have the audio logs if you fancy doing something with those, and someone I am sure could knock up a video to play during ‘downtime’ or something. I am not sure on how things are run at the armada so just chucking ideas out there.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Xavier.
    Lewis Remmick

    Is there any way to connect that bridge to our duty shift, or is the time conflict too great with what they have scheduled? It might be near for other people to see what we do regularly. As a recruitment tool.


    I really like the idea of the crew rosters…I’ll see if I can work out some kind of a mockup. I actually have a real bronze ship plaque that I bought at the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas before it closed for the Defiant ( That would be really cool to have something like that for each of our ships. If I get the walls completed for Armada, then I should have plenty of room to hang up prints of those around the walls.

    As far as the audio logs, with the event being in a ballroom at a hotel, that sort of audio isn’t going to be easy to listen to unfortunately, but a video could possibly work.

    And, as far as connecting to the duty shift, the only internet connection available there is the hotel’s wireless connection, and I don’t expect it will be very good quality, so I’m not sure that will work either. The only other thing I could imagine doing would be a panel discussion about the TSN RP group. There should be at least a couple of others there from our group that could help. I’m most likely already doing one on DMX lighting anyway, so if there’s time in the schedule, I could ask about that as a possibility.


    I just finished the initial frame for the first “wall” for the bridge yesterday. The port side bulkhead now has a support structure and is awaiting reinforcement and installation of power conduits, lighting fixtures, and signage.


    A couple of videoa would be cool. Particularly of we could capture some cool stuff from missions. I am thinking of short clips viewing science/ tactical views as well as some external shots of combat to mix in there. With some of the comms traffic overlaid and music it might come out with a nice cinematic effect.

    We could potentially mock something up that is a “compact” version of our shift – open with a briefing like ‘command and control have ordered on this patrol…. … all officers report to your ships’. Then from there comms traffic and combat scenes with the end being ‘mission success, all crews stand down’.


    I like that idea. Moments of action intermixed with the music and some clips of the chatter between ships from the logs would work great for a dramatic video. Maybe even could act as a promotional video for the group as well.

    Gabriel Wade

    A cinematic “trailer” showcasing our duty shifts sounds like it would be an awesome draw! Especially for people who already play the game, seeing it played in a way reminiscent of the shows that inspired it, as our community does perfectly in my opinion, might be a big draw for more to join! And with full crews coming to Armada, it could potentially bring even more numbers our way.

    I -REALLY- think we should find a way to have a question and answer session about our group at the convention. I think it would be another great tool for recruitment to get the information out there and show the Artemis community that our group can give them an experience along the lines of that “Starfleet officer” they’ve always wanted to be in their imaginations.

    Last year around Armada 1 I started working on a Powerpoint presentation about the TSN RP group, which I planned on including a brief overview of our division’s history and examples of how we operate, conduct and protocol if you will. I could pick working on it again and make it presentable for Armada 2, if it’d be something you’d use.

    I also still have plans of working on the Captain’s chair I told you about, Verok. I’ve just gotta pick a weekend and buckle down on it. 😛


    Do you think it might be worth it to have a panel discussion about the TSN RP group? I could talk to Mike Substelny about it and see what he thinks. Their panels mainly focused on workshop type events, like script writing and the DMX lighting stuff, but I guess talking about the RP group could be a worthwhile discussion.

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