The Bar 9416-2237

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  • #6995
    John van Leigh

    *makes sure the air circulator unit above him is working and lights a pipe*


    Adele Mundy

    *coughs (despite the air circulator unit)*

    Blaze Strife

    *Blaze, without much tact, decides to tackle on the big questions looming over everyone’s heads*

    So, what do you all think of Xavier’s actions and the weapon?


    *Mumbles without looking up from the pads*

    Shouldn’t’ve happened.


    Well from where I stand, at first blush, he looks like a murderer and traitor.

    But I know I do not have all the facts. I applaud taking bold action on a moral stance, but if the destruction materially worsens our position viz-a-viz the Unukalhai or any of the alien states, then he just committed treason. If he killed people legitimately performing their duties, he is a murderer. If somehow people were not killed and he was either under orders to destroy it for some reason (which does not seem likely given his announcement) or his actions actually benefited the USFP, by demonstrating our moral rectitude, then he is neither. But from where I stand, the burden of proof is on him.

    Adele Mundy

    The Weapon had to be destroyed, you saw what it did. Why we couldn’t trust R&D to accept our report and destroy it safely, according to regulations, I don’t know. I don’t know what orders the Captain had. He issued warnings to the crew on the ship to abandon it before we opened fire.
    Dammit, now I need a glass of brandy…


    Destroyin’ the weapon is one thing. But we fired b’fore we saw lifepods. B’fore we got any kinda response. Right?

    *Looks to Mundy*

    Maurice Allard

    We’re lucky they didn’t use the weapon on us. To be honest, I’ve been weighing my loyalties. I’m conflicted about this whole thing. Who in command thought it was a good idea to build a cascading singularity bomb?

    Blaze Strife

    Remember that Phoenix got destroyed because of the weapon. People died because of it. Our people.

    *bangs his tankard on the table*


    That’s true. Not everyone aboard made it to the life pods and the Caltrons were drawn to the weapon.


    Exactly. $#%@&ing Caltrons took out the Phoenix. Not the weapon.


    But the weapon did open the door and invite them through.

    Blaze Strife


    Adele Mundy

    //hmm, I tried to reply earlier, but my post isn’t here.//

    *looks at Aramond*
    I didn’t see life pods on my screen, no. But pod transponders can malfunction, or be switched off. Has anyone heard if that’s what happened? There should be reports of recovered survivors, right? Unless they’re classified… It would seem probable that the Destroyers picked them up.


    Maybe with some kind of R&D cloaking device? That would explain why the destroyers disappeared and the pods were not found immediately. Or maybe they triggered a command net virus that wiped them from scan.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Matsiyan. Reason: Addition of virus idea
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