Met lots of people and introduced them to the world of Artemis. And, I’m hoping we’ll have some new recruits show up in the next few weeks. I gave out the TSN RP’s web site to a lot of people. I know I’ve already got one new person coming next week. He bought Artemis on steam before he left the event! I even had a couple of Mandalorian Mercenaries take the helm and weapons consoles!
LOL! I actually had to explain to a few people that it wasn’t my game, that I just built the scenery. A few people thought the whole thing was custom. When I explained they could buy it on steam, they just about jumped up and down. 🙂
Ok…yeah, I’m pretty proud of it. Every time I use it I think of more things I want to add. As of right now, I’ve been asked to do 3 more conventions this year, and had one offer for a private party too. So, I think it’s been amazingly successful already.