Stardate uncertainty

Terran Stellar Navy Forums (OOC) The Mess Hall Stardate uncertainty

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  • #8166
    Matthew Vaj

    @admin I was looking at this page on the website:

    Mission Logs

    I noticed that the format of the stardates could be a bit ambiguous. For example, 11th of January of a given year and 1st of Novemeber of the same year would have the same stardate (111YY) according to the given format. Can I suggest a DDMMYY format be adopted to minimize this ambiguity? In other words, add 0’s when necessary?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Matthew Vaj.

    That has been highlighted in the past. I have decided not to change it as 11th January and 1st November of any given year are highly unlikely to both be a Saturday (in 2016, they are a Monday and Friday respectively). Therefore, as mission logs are made on the Saturday night duty shift, it didn’t seem necessary to change things as the ambiguity would not occur.

    Matthew Vaj

    I suppose that makes sense. Thanks!

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