Hello everybody, I just thought that I could advertise and invite people to the Los Angeles Science-Fiction Convention(LOSCON), if people are willing, wanting, and able to come.
The convention is happening Nov 23-25 at the Los Angeles International Airport(LAX) Mariot. The membership price(all weekend) for adults(13+) is 45$, and children(6-12) are 25$. If I remember correctly, although I might be wrong, the LAX Mariot has reduced room and parking pricing, and the hotel does have a transit system to and from LAX. Oh, the Mariot also has free WiFi for those who have the LOSCON code.
All this information and more, as well as membership reservation and room booking, can be found at the LOSCON Website HERE.
I am not a staff of LOSCON, although I might be helping out the Con-Chair, but I felt that I may be able to draw some of you out in-uniform.